Most concealable/thinest padle holster?

I've played with a couple, but my no means all. Of the one's I've tried, the Kramer horsehide MSP is the finest. In a leather holster, you don't get any thinner than horsehide (and the Kramer horsehides are about as thick as Kydex, may only slightly thicker). The only downside is the price.
inside waist band by blade tech does not close up and locks in without a safty strap fast,fast,fast ;) <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by pbash:
I've played with a couple, but my no means all. Of the one's I've tried, the Kramer horsehide MSP is the finest. In a leather holster, you don't get any thinner than horsehide (and the Kramer horsehides are about as thick as Kydex, may only slightly thicker). The only downside is the price.[/quote]
I carry my K9 in a DeSantis N67 Nypad paddle holster. It's comfortable and conceals very well under loose shirts or vests/jackets.

I have recently starting carrying my Commander in a Safariland 560. It is the most comfortable paddle holster I have ever worn! It, too, conceals quite well.

[This message has been edited by DMSC (edited February 10, 2000).]
Give Mike Benedict a call, he make kydex holsters with belt slot and paddle type. I carry his paddle holster he made for my Kimber Compact every day. It's thin (low profile), comfortable, secure and highly concealable. His web site is:
I have sold my Paddle and now just use the CQC/s by Alessi. It is a beltside holster with all the ease of a paddle and none of the liabilities. Check it out.