Mossburg 590 w/bayo lug tac forend/light


New member
There's been a lot of discussion about the maounting of a Sure-Fire on the 590 re: the bayonet lug. SHOMER-TEC has one listed in there newest catalog that is specifically designed for the 590 to allow use of the bayo lug. I don't have the catalog in front of me so I can't post their PX number. Price (I Think) is around $260. Just thought I'd pass it along. Gator
My dept issues 870's w/ surefires. I carry a personal 590 and was going to put a surfire on it. The prob was that you would not be able to use a sling on the gun due to the location of the light. So I decided against it. I ordered a M 1907 Sling today from Turner Saddlery ($51.95 including shipping) I have found that a good sling on a shotgun is very useful. The light would be to, but I don't want anything on my guns that runs on batteries.

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.
Gunfighter: I don't own a 590. I have a 500 persuader (20" full stock). Couldn't you mount a sling on a swivel on the barrel band? Again I've only looked at them so I could be wrong. Just a thought.
Swampgator- Gotta watch those barrel clamps, they can tourque your ballel just enough to change you shot pattern. And CTD has the Surefire Attachements for $169.00.

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.
Gunfighter: Okay understand about the torque on the barrel band. BUT since mine is new (ie less than 4 months AND since don't spend near as much time on the range as I do at work ie in front of a computer) could I: Install a lighted forend and istall a sling mounted to a barrel band THEN proceed to pattern the gun? I know that the sling would/could try off the pattern but once I fired it enough I would learn to compensate for the difference. Your thoughts please.
Gator- I don't think the sling would be a big issue for you since it will be pretty much a home defense thing. I have to sling my gun alot to move or cuff a badguy. The lights on the gun are way cool. The configuration you suggest would be very plausable. Good luck. If you have anymore Q's, let em rip.

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.
Gunfighter: Since my days of kicking in doors are WAY over, mine is a HD gun. But it also serves double duty as a hunting shotgun. I don't know for sure if I'm putting a light on it or not, But can you imagine the look on an 8-points face when I do light him up? (Just a joke guys, I don't do things like that: anymore) Gator
Heck Gator when I was back on the farm we spotlighted deer all the time. And we ate em too.

When guns are outlawed only outlaws will have guns.
Don't talk to me about venison right now. My partner lost an eight point the other day. (Damn Bow Season). But yeah agreed eating them is much better than freezing trying to shoot them. Gator