mossberg O/U "tactical" comments sought...


New member
I see that Mossberg has an over/under tactical shotgun. one trigger, short bbls, light/optic rails.....

does anyone have one of these? what are your comments on it? reduced recoil buck shot and no manipulation needed for action make it seem worthy of consideration for a home defense gun for a non-gun savvy person.

I picked one up a cpl weeks ago on a lark. Ive used it to teach exactly 1 class so far. Its a pretty good gun for the price, but it does have a cpl drawbacks that will keep me from using it as a serious defensive gun.

1. No ejection of fired hulls. I understand that automatic ejectors cost more and would add to the price of the gun. On a serious use gun they are almost mandatory. On any shotgun (low ammo capacity), the rule is shoot 1..load 1. On this gun with only 2 shots onboard that tactic is even MORE vital. If you fire 1 shot, not only is 1/2 your ammo gone but you only have ONE left.

Auto ejectors would make that process MUCH easier.

2. The pendulum safety "could" cause problems in a true "tactical" situation. They dont come into play until the gun is pointed down at a pretty steep angle, so shooting down a flight of stairs CAN be done. However, they activate when the gun is rolled on its side as well.

So shooting under cars and such from a rolled over prone position is hit or miss(;)). If the gun is not rolled past 90degrees your fine. Past 90- no workie. The same is true if the gun is upside down...think Supine, shooting behind you

Now, granted those are pretty extream ends of the defensive shooting spectrum...but what if thats what you NEED to do?

3. It is proving VERY hard to find/mount a sling to this little beastie. For an indoor HD gun, thats not an issue. As a general use fighting longgun, it should have a sling.

Overall i give it a 5-6 on a 10 scale for a true fighting shotgun. As a range/training gun it gets a 7. As a "hey, look at this cool scatter-blaster" it gets a 9
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I have some serious doubts about using ANY double gun for HD. Sure it's better than nothing, but if there's a chance I'm going to be in a gunfight I want more than 2 rounds before I have to reload.

Secondly, having sold and assembled a LOT of Mossberg doubles, the quality is appalling. I used to hate the things because the barrel lugs were so full of machining grit that it took 20 minutes of cleaning before it opened and closed without grinding. I hate to think what the inside of the action and trigger group must be like.

For the money you would be far, far better off with a pump.
1. No ejection of fired hulls. On a serious use gun they are almost mandatory.

2. The pendulum safety "could" cause problems.... they activate when the gun is rolled on its side as well.

no ejectors and disabled firing pins on angle or side? thank you for the warning. not worthy of consideration for the needs I outlined.

thank you.
For the $400-500 they go for, you have an awful lot of options.

That could get you a cheap pump and at least a case of buckshot (or at least a couple cases of birdshot), or maybe a semiautomatic and no ammo.