Mossberg Ends Relationship with Dick’s Sporting Goods


New member

Effective immediately, O.F. Mossberg & Sons will not accept any future orders from Dick’s Sporting Goods or Field & Stream, and is in the process of evaluating current contractual agreements.

“It has come to our attention that Dick’s Sporting Goods recently hired lobbyists on Capitol Hill to promote additional gun control.” said Iver Mossberg, Chief Executive Officer of O.F. Mossberg & Sons. “Make no mistake, Mossberg is a staunch supporter of the U.S. Constitution and our Second Amendment rights, and we fully disagree with Dick’s Sporting Goods’ recent anti-Second Amendment actions.”

Way to go Mossberg! I bet they were a large percentage of the guns Dick's managed to sell
I ended my relationship with them to...Wait,did I have one? Hmmm.

Anyway. The name on the sign says it all.

It ain't "Richard's"

Good one,Mossberg!
Lots of interesting corporate politics. Will Remington value that retail monopoly over the same pro-gun stance? Stay tuned.
Bottom line no one outside of a few gun forums cares who Mossberg, Springfield or any other gun company drops as a retail partner. However, whenever another retailer drops guns from their inventory or a corporation cuts ties to a pro-gun organization it will get a lot of press and chip away just a little more at the appeal of gun ownership.
Bottom line no one outside of a few gun forums cares who Mossberg, Springfield or any other gun company drops as a retail partner.

Not entirely true. It's getting some FB attention. Should it actually be followed by some media, and then re-broadcast, this could get a decent amount of attention.

Why is this bigger news than Springfield's Dick's Boycott? Few if any Dick's locations carried pistols, and Springfield is a pistol-centered manufacturer (excluding the Saint and the MIA). Since Dick's boycotted the AR platform, that left Springfield with exactly 1 model, the M1A, that would be carried by Dick's. I doubt restricting M1A sales at Dick's has any realistic effect at all on the bottom line of either company, so in essence it was virtue signaling. Just like no one really went to Dick's to buy an AR.

Mossberg is a different story, however. Everything Mossberg makes is still suitable for sell at Dick's, and Dick's likely sold a good few Mossberg firearms. This is more than mere virtue signaling.
I know a few guys who still to this day curse the name of Bill Ruger for the role he played in the 1994 AWB and 25 years later refuse to buy Ruger firearms. Those lifelong grudges happened way before the internet. Don't for a second think that these moves by Dicks and F&S (and the industry response) are limited to internet forum guys or will be old news in a few months. We 2A supporters tend to have long memories.
That's more like it!

Dick's doesn't really sell pistols, and probably didn't sell many M1A's or Saints.

But Mossberg?

I bet they sold tons of Mossbergs. That's going to sting a bit. Kudos.
forked tongue

Do I read this right? They hire lobbyists that are anti gun, but sell guns too?

I spent a gift certificate there (Dicks) recently. I won't be back........for anything.