Mossberg 590A1


New member
Who owns or has shot a Mossberg 590A1 and what do you think of it? I was thinking about one for home defense and wanted some input. Thank you.
Ive got 2... 1 with the 18.5" barrel, 5 shot tube and 1 with the 20" 8shot tube.

Its my fav pump SG. I much prefer the 5shot over the 8 shot model
Don't know if you've considered a Winchester. I looked at a 590A1 and a Remington 870 when I was looking for a shotgun. I ended up buying the Winchester SXP camp/field combo. It's their Black Shadow model but you also get their 18" Defender barrel. My decision came after handling, firing, and then comparing ease of field stripping. IMO the controls and disassembly/reassembly are easier on the SXP. YMMV.

My advice, watch a disassembly/reassembly vid on YouTube for the 590A1 and see if that's something you want to get into.
For home defense, the most important aspect is knowing what and what not to do with your shotgun.
The choice of manufacturer is the least of it.
Any of them, (or none of them) will be a good choice if you're able to use it well enough to deal with a possibly serious encounter.
Nag, nag, nag.
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You might want to check with your local gun shop and find out who is giving shotgun training. Talk to these schools and find out what shotguns they are using for training. If possible it would be good to take a lesson or two and to use their guns before buying your own.

If there isn't any shotgun, self-defense, training schools near you, you might try going out to the local skeet/trap range that have loaners/renters, and try using as many different shotguns as possible.

While you are taking the classes, ask your instructor, if they could buy their shotguns allover again, what would they buy for their school or range if cost was not a consideration. You could also ask the gun smith at your local gun shop what shotguns does he see the most, and then avoid that one.
Please bear in mind I am not an experienced shotgunner; I have a lot more experience with handgun and rifle. My impression is that the 590A1 is a very sturdy and handy weapon, even with the heavy barrel. The ghost ring sights are well built, easy to adjust and very quick to acquire with the eye. Using the ghost ring, I can accurately shoot rifled slugs to about 50 yards. It’s never had a problem with any kind of ammo, but again keep in mind my personal round count is pretty low. I will say it has a nasty kick when firing buckshot loads. After a few boxes of those green surplus buckshot shells I’m ready to call it quits.
Hence the reason for training.
Most objections, if not all, can be overcome and dealt with from learning how to shoot the things.
And, contrary to popular opinions, we are not born with the knowledge.
To add, the use of the shotgun for defensive purposes has little in common with how they are used in the clays or hunting fields.
More nag.
I have experience with the 3 main Mossberg pump shotgun platforms. My opinion of the 590A1 is that it is an overbuilt pump shotgun that kicks behind and will work as hard as you care to work it. I kind of prefer the 500 for general use because it's not as heavy, I also like the Maverick 88 but I really prefer the controls of the 500 and 590.

When comparing the 590 or 500 to other models such as the 870 or the Winchester, I tend to favor the Mossberg. Do they all work? Absolutely yes. But I LIKE the way the Mossberg's work more than the rest. I've also experienced greater reliability with the Mossberg's, not much at all, but enough that I remember, even if it can be chalked up to user error. As far as disassembly goes for maintenance, once you've done it a few times it's not bad at all, although I must say, the Winchester is about the easiest I've run into. If you want a 590A1, I will tell you to go ahead. With it's reliability, ruggedness, intuitive controls, and general ease of operation, I don't think it gets much better than a 590A1 for a fighting shotgun. As for the variety of 590A1 models, take your pick :)

Also, whatever you end up with, practice with it! Loading, shooting, Safety... get to know your shotgun very well, and enjoy it!
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You already have a pistol? Some think, and I agree, that one is a better primry HD weapon than a shotgun, but having both is best. That said, for HD in addition to a Sig I have a Remington 870 12 gauge with an 18.5" barrel. Some like a Remington and some like a Mossberg.

I would go with the lighter and more maneuverable 18.5". IMO being able to swing more easily in confined indoor spaces is more important than carrying a couple more shells.

Should you intend to trick your shotgun out with a pistol grip stock, forget the Mossbergs with their tang safeties.
federal makes a reduced recoil load that really makes a difference. there is also the knoxx recoil stock that works well in cutting felt recoil down dramatically.