mossberg 500/590 problem??


just some background info. first:

i have a mossberg 590 (relatively new - approx. 500 rounds, mostly bird shot) that i had put a heat shield on (dumb idea! thought it looked "cool"). after sending a couple rounds of slugs down range, the shield had come loose and moved down the barrel, interfering with the normal pumping action (a little of the plastic forend got chewed up, along with some dings in the metal that attach to the action bars on the forend; the heat shield, however, looks magically undamaged :confused: ). the gun failed to feed and eject due to the interference from the moving shield, so i slammed the pump a few times (about 10) thinking that that would help (to fully lock and unlock the action) without realizing what was happening.

i know that a little bit "play" in the forend is normal, but the forend on my 590 FEELS TOO loose. there is about 1/8" rotational leftward and rightward movement (around the cartridge) when the action is closed (the bolt moves around alittle too - looks like "wobbling"). it seems that the only thing restricting even more rotation are the action bars.

is this normal, or did my afternoon at the range screw something up?
am i overreacting (the 590 is my HD weapon - one of them, anyway ;) ?

i called mossberg and they told me that a little side-to-side movement is normal, but the forend on mine feels really loose, and i honestly don't remember if it's always felt like it currently does).

should i go ahead and send the pump in?
what keeps the forend alignment anyway?

thanks in advance for your advice/help!