Mosin Stripper clip price


New member
Anyone know what original stripper clips go for usually? A guy has some locally and I'd like to pick some up. Thanks
Chech on the back of the clip for the arsenal mark, like the bow and arrow or arrow and triangle markings. Some SVT40 strippers were made as Mosin strippers reproduction, and they don't work very well.

I have a stack of 1950s Bulgarian M-N stripper clips that are unmarked but work just fine. The main thing the OP needs to look for is that the clips are made of stiff steel with crimped edges and a slight taper at the ends to retain the rounds. Most genuine vintage Eastern Bloc clips have these features. Cheap modern reproductions do not.

Otherwise, I agree with Jim- do not pay more than 50¢/ea, and be aware that cheap milsurp FMJ ammo is frequently packaged on 5rd clips, so these things aren't hard to find. If you intend to shoot milsurp ammo, simply choose ammo that's packaged this way.

FWIW I've seen gun show vendors remove milsurp 7.62x54R ammo from the clips, repackage it, mark it up, and sell the clips separately. This practice is blatant profiteering. You are naïve to do business with these clowns. :rolleyes:
FWIW I've seen gun show vendors remove milsurp 7.62x54R ammo from the clips, repackage it, mark it up, and sell the clips separately. This practice is blatant profiteering. You are naïve to do business with these clowns.

But it's OK to buy a crate of rifles and sell them individually at a profit?

Just checking...
Most decent mail order sites have real stippers avail. Some even have the re-made stainless steel strips. I usually buy ammo that are pre-stripper clipped and have bags of strippers sitting here. The only time I use an empty one is to put some commercial ammo like Norma or Winchester into and when I reload, I automatically load them into stripper clips.

Gun shows are around 50 cents each, gunbroker dealers.must feel they are golden as they are fairly expensive on there.

There is a guy on there that has a conversion device that makes the mosin magazine well hold 20 rounds rather than the 5, you just take the floor plate and spring out and replace with this extended magazine well and spring/follower. I ordered one, but have not received it yet.
Hi, Armoredman,

I am not sure what you mean. There is no "SVT40 stripper" clip; both the SVT38 and SVT40 were made to take the standard M-N stripper clip.

I agree that some "reproduction" 7.62 Russian stripper clips don't work. It's like the metal is too soft or something. But I can't tell without trying them, unless the new ones look too new. But otherwise, I don't think I ever had a problem because it was a rimmed or flanged cartridge.

Not to change the subject but why are 7.92mm German stripper clips so hard to find? I've bought a few at a gun show but I've never found an on-line source, except, I think, with ammunition. The ones I found looked pretty awful but worked just fine. It's also frustrating how other stripper clips that are "almost right" won't work. The rounds might go in the clip OK but then the clip won't fit in the little socket on the rifle.
German clips are getting scarce but there are scads of those brass Turkish clips around and they will fit the German rifles.

Note that a correct clip will not only fit the clip guides but will also pop out when the bolt is closed. You should not have to remove the clip manually.

The brass MN clips I have are crap. The original Russian ones work fine. I did find some Finnish MN clips, Tika marked, and have them as well. Of them all they are the best.
Note that a correct clip will not only fit the clip guides but will also pop out when the bolt is closed. You should not have to remove the clip manually.
Mandatory note: Jim is talking about 7.92mm Mauser stripper clips here. Mosin-Nagant stripper clips categorically do not do this. (This is an occasional criticism of the Mosin-Nagant design.)

You're welcome, Jim. ;)
Thanks, and believe it or not, I did know that. Since we were discussing the M-N clip, I can only plead "senior moment" for not noting the exception.

I can't think of any other, though. The Lee-Enfield, Mauser, Springfield, and Arisaka clips all do pop out when the bolt is closed.
