Mosin Speculation .


New member
So what gets cut-off first? The importation of Mosin Nagant Rifle itself or the russkie spamcan 7.62x54R ammunition? Shame on me for asking.
Neither, or all. Dependant on how well the outing of Holder's comment about "dangerious weapons" and "just because of their age" gets reported to the shooting public. Not at all of course by any alphabet broadcast media.
I dunno I think anything not black an scary are pretty safe, I mean c'mon even the most ardent anti gun guy can't say that an a bolt action, 5 rounder antique fits into any ban they can think of shoe horning in. As for the ammo, be lucky that the buy up craze hasn't touched the 7.62X54r much. I swear it's like there's more of those bullets stateside than anywhere else :D
There was some talk about banning ammo importation a couple months back, I don't think it has any traction. And the new AWB has little chance of passing.
Buy the ammo you can afford, and a few more Mosins are a nice addition to your collection.
Being a five round bolt action, I don't see any issues with it. The M1 or an SKS, maybe. If the 7 round law sticks in NY, those two could be caught up in a ban. But the Mosin, I don't think so.
There does seem to be less of the 7.62 x 54r these days and a little more expensive as well. I talked to one of the ammo guys at a local gun show a few weeks ago about it. He said that it is getting harded to get 7.62 by 54r. When he asked the distributor why, they said it was because more and more of it is being shipped to Syria.
guess what, guys...
all portions of the gun reform bill dealing with AWB have been stricken from the docket and they are now working on sales only...

your mosins are safe now, the end
I wouldn't say safe just yet. The forces of gun control are still working 24/7 to take your guns. No matter the origin.
Be always vigilant.
Having been into shooting- other than seldom plinking- only since late '07 (age 52), I wasn't aware of Janet Reno's comments in the 90s.

I don't know the place or exact time, but she said that the goal was to take all of them away from citizens.
Somebody on THR, 'Social', General Topics has her exact quote.
Molot is making brand new Mosins their KO 91-30 with full chrome lined barrels, and the soviets are making 7.62x54r for their current issue weapons, so I think both will be around alot longer than any of us think. Prices will go up in time (after all I have seen ads where mausers and Mosins were $16 each) but I doubt I will see it fall in my lifetime, and I am only 33
your mosins are safe now, the end __________________

You forgot one word in your post.
your Mosins are safe for now!
As long as there are Feinstein's, and Schumers, Brady campaigns, and others no guns are completely safe.
I don't see why the Mosins should become blacklisted. Bolt action, no detached mag, less than 10, no foregrip or pistol grip, manual safety, C&R. More like a bone that the nannies would throw us. Unless they ban imports.

The 7.62x54 ammo is current military issue. Not going anywhere save for an import ban.
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I don't see why the Mosins should become blacklisted. Bolt action, no detached mag, less than 10, no foregrip or pistol grip, manual safety, C&R. More like a bone that the nannies would throw us. Unless they ban imports.

The 7.62x54 ammo is current military issue. Not going anywhere save for an import ban.

" and eliminate misguided restrictions that require federal agents to allow the importation of dangerous weapons simply because of their age."

Eric Holder March 6, 2013

With some of the recent events in the gun control debate they might be backing off for now, but this tells you exactly what they have in mine.
Has anyone noticed these initiatives tend to pop up during relative peacetime? When the nation is in peril, nobody pays attention. They see opportunities when people get complacent.
On a topic drift, if I may, does anyone know a good way of opening that spam can without a hacksaw or hammering? I have been shown a live round with an off-center "lucky" dent. Know of anyone having fired the Russian ammo while beating on the box?
LED: Being from the Ukraine etc or Russia, they are much safer than Enfields from South Africa, Greece etc.

About two years ago a guy walked into a S. African gun shop and was shocked.
Staff were destroying Enfield rifles-all of which are obsolete-and it's possible that the ammo is being destroyed.
The movie "Blood Diamonds" made some organizations think that warlords wanted obsolete weapons, or gave them a better excuse to pay for their destruction.

UN money (and many US dollars) pays a number of countries to destroy not only stocks of full-auto AKs, but any other older milsurp rifles and often the ammo is burned.

Somewhere on the net I stumbled onto the website of a Brit/Euro 'arms control' group who influences much of this waste and stupidity.
Solche Zerstorung ist nicht nur Verschwendung, sondern Dummheit, in case any central Europeans read this.
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