Mosin Sling Slots - cosmo cleaning question


New member
I've got a 1931 M91/30 Mosin with sling slots. The sling slot escutcheons (metal plates that surround the slots) have what appears to be crusted/dried cosmoline on them. I've tried mineral spirits and a rag, but just can't seem to get the stuff off. Anything else I can try?
It might be shellac if your gun is a refurb. Coloring within the lines was not a skill Ivan had. They frequently just slopped it on. Shellac will dissolve with alcohol.
^^^ This.

I usually use a DULL putty knife/scraper, being careful not to scratch them. The varnish (or whatever finish they used) usually isn't bonded well to the metal and can be flaked off. You could use a chemical remover on a q-tip I suppose, but you risk getting it on the stock.
that's the shellac that they coated the stock with. it's hard to get off and you could create cracks which would start chipping and flaking off the wood. I left it on mine, it's just a beauty issue for me and old warhorses are no longer supposed to look perty in my opinion.
I'v had mine for several years and shoot it , clean it and it still has cosmoline on it . One thing I did learn was when putting the "dog collar " slings on is put the buckle on the opisite side of the stock that your face touches as recoil can give you a nice scratch on the jaw if a sharp eadge catches you right .