Mosin Screw Trick

Josh Smith

Hi All,

Not particularly unique or difficult to do, but I thought I'd share this. I got tired of my action screws shooting loose:


That fixed it!

Friend had a rifle on which the one action screw kept walking out.

We didn't have any glue or loctite at the time, but we did have a center punch.

One light staking later, and no more issues.
This made me smile because on the Russian capture 98's the lock screws were deemed unnecessary. And yeah the purest won’t like the mod you did but I’m sure not offended. It’s not like you took away from what it is.
I have a friend who was born in Moscow. He bought a 91/30 and discovered the front sight was way off. We didn't have any tools at the range, so he just beat it over with a large rock.:p
We made 750,000 of them, Finland made a bushel basket or three of them and the Russians made about 32 gazillion of them in 37 years so collectors value isn't hurt. To me if the gun is reliable and shoots well it's worth money otherwise it's only a wall hanger. I have two, one pretty and the other not so much but both shoot to point of aim and that's good enough for me. If that screw increased reliability, and it appears it does, then it's worth more now than it was before the fix.