Mosin Question


New member
If I were to refinish my Mosin by getting rid of that shellac coating and giving it a nice finish... would that be considered bubba-ing it and ruining its appeal as a historical collector's item?
Unless you have Comrade Stalin's personal rifle, I wouldn't worry too much.

haha...yes or Vasily Zaitzeff's sniper rifle. For the most part, the MN is a WIDELY available surplus rifle and I would say that refinishing the stock is among the most insignificant modifications or "bubba jobs" that can be imparted upon a rifle.

They are great rifles...i own a 1926 hex-receiver 91/30 and upon a little basic cleanup I kept the rifle as is. Mainly because I think my rifle has a lot of character...but hey worse case scenario, get another one! Gotta love 'em
Make sure you take it apart and check all the markings before you do anything.

You never know if you have something interesting.

I've seen pictures of some relatively valuable Finish rifles that had been mutilated because the owner didn't care enough to.
The nice thing about the shellac finish is that it is easily returned to if you decide to.

There was a thread on one of the other forums, (Gunboards maybe) that someone contacted Tula and found out that they made rifles with both the shellac and oil finished stocks. I'll have to see if I can find it.
Before you "Bubba" your rifle, find out exactly what kind of Mosin you have. True Story: I was going to do the same thing to my Mosin that I had laying in my closet for over thirty years; however, I did some homework and discovered that I had a rare Finnish matching numbers “Ladda” rifle. Had I “bubb-a-fied” it I would have turned a rare collectable into junk. Not all Mosin’s are created equal, find out what you have first, you can start here:
I look at it like "it's my rifle, I'l do what I want" If I like it more then it's more valuable to me. There are some that should probably not betouched but it's an $80 rifle for god's sake. If it bothers ya then buy another one and refurbish the worst of the two
The only value your rifle has is what you put on it or someone else is willing to pay for it cash in hand! If you have a collectors item then find a collector who is willing to hand out the cash and get several more to play with. Otherwise, do what you want to with it.

Next time someone tells you that you have a collectors item, ask them how much they are willing to pay for it, not how much they "think" it is worth.
Bubba away, it has zero collector value. They may be collected by some but they don't have value. They might in 500 years but not now or in your lifetime.

If I ever come across a Remington or Westinghouse made Mosin....I certainly wouldn't bubba on it... I'd go to lengths to un-bubba one. Any of the other MNs....why not? But I'm sure someone that wants it just for a shooter would...and why shouldn't they, it's theirs.
The way I see it, unless you have a famous rifle (Stalin and Vasily were mentioned :D) then I'd say do whatever you want. It's not like the Russians only made 20 of em'.