Mosin Nagant troubles


New member
Hi all!

I just bought me a mosin nagant 91/30 made in 1951 in hungary. Its in ''like new'' condition, I guess it hasnt been shot with more than 30 rounds since then.

However, I have a serious problem with the gun, I just chambered a few dummy rounds and I need a LOT of force to fully close the bolt. I am sure its extremely stiff extractor trying to get over the rounds rim. Any way to fix it?

And another problem I have never seen before, sometimes the round tries to enter the chamber in an angle way too steep, so it gets stuck.

I have a M44 so I am aware of the mosin nagants characteristics.
Steep angle sounds like a worn mag spring.

Did you make your dummy round, or is it a fancy factory snap-cap type of dummy round?

If you reloaded it, you might have shot it in a different rifle and this rifle has the shoulder or throat further forward. It's not really "headspace" since the x54R headspaces on the rim, but it still is a necessary dimension.
I just tried live rounds (obeying all safety rules) and the problem is the same, its new Czech ammo from Sellier & Bellot.

The magazine spring seems to be ok, its not any stronger or weaker than the magazine srping of my tula M44.

I disassembled the bolt , polished it, cleaned it and gave it a good oiling.
Not sure about the feed angle issue. However, may want to clean/polish the chamber a bit if the bolt is that hard to close.

Also, not sure if it matters on a Mosin or not but some rifles don't close well on a round inserted into the chanber. They feed better coming from the mag.
I just worked the bolt with live rounds in it, after about chambering 50 rounds the action got a little bit smoother. I almost think the rifles hasn't been shot before, its not even worn in. :eek:
And its 60 years old!

I know that mag fed is sometimes better, but there is no difference. My m44 engages the rim only if I close the bolt so in this case it doesnt matter. Same with my 91/30.

The problem with the feed angle seems to be the interrupter not working properly. After extracting a cartridge the interrupter still holds the next fresh cartridge down so the bolt doesn't fully ''grab'' the round from the magazine and it gets ''dragged'' into the chamber somehow and locks the bolt. Its a bit dirty; I'll clean it. Maybe that will help.
Also, not sure if it matters on a Mosin or not but some rifles don't close well on a round inserted into the chamber. They feed better coming from the mag.
Not really. The cartridge will not go behind the extractor upon feeding from the magazine. The extractor is forced over the lip of the cartridge upon closing the bolt. I don't think it would happen if the bolt was flat like the SMLE rather than being cupped like it is.
Sounds like some old dryed grease build up.

Hit it with some good strong bore solvent and see if that loosens it up any.

Not really. The cartridge will not go behind the extractor upon feeding from the magazine. The extractor is forced over the lip of the cartridge upon closing the bolt.

which is why they ammo is rimmed, I believe.
Ive had the same issue before but only when i cycle the bolt very slow. Mine is m44 but i bet your spring is alittle wore out..
I swapped bolts and with the bolt of my m44 itmy 91/30 works much smoother. I dont think its a dirty chamber, I cleaned it with some steel wool and I can manually insert a cartridge all the way in without any resistance. I am sure its the extractor.
Did you work the M91/30 bolt in the M44, or only the other way around. Try the 91/30 bolt in both guns, and see if it feels better in one or the other.
I have a 91/59, and I took it apart and soaked everything but the wood in mineral spirits, then scrubbed and relubed everything.
Made a world of difference.
Well its pretty much clean, I took the bolt apart, polished and lubed it, I carefully scrubbed the chamber with steel wool, no dirt hiding anywhere.
Good news! I got rid of the problem, more or less. I just swapped the bolt heads, the bolt head of my very tough to operate 91/30 and the bolt head of my smooth working M44. The m44 has no problems with its new bolt head, it even runs smoother. The 91/30 works much better with the new bolt head from the m44.

I'll check head space and leave it at that.
Good news! I got rid of the problem, more or less. I just swapped the bolt heads, the bolt head of my very tough to operate 91/30 and the bolt head of my smooth working M44. The m44 has no problems with its new bolt head, it even runs smoother. The 91/30 works much better with the new bolt head from the m44.

I'll check head space and leave it at that.

I'm glad you mentioned "head space" here.

What you did was dangerous. I wouldn't suggest shooting it at all (or any more if you did shoot it) until you check the head space of both rifles.

The x54R headspaces off the case rim, controlled by the bolt head.
I thinned the extractor a LITTLE bit and polished it to a nice mirror-like surface, it got a tiny bit better, but its still hard to close. I can barely close the bolt from the shoulder. I think its just the way the gun is designed, it will never have a custom-rifle smoothness.

But I still dont get why my tula m44 is so much easier to operate. Its like magic making the extractor slip over the rim with no force invovled.

check the lead angle on the extractor. If it is to blunt it will not ride over the rim easily. Also, look in the chamber where the rim of the case seats. If steel cased ammo was run through it, sometimes burrs on the ammo rim chews up the face of the rim cut out and after a while even brass ammo closes hard. I know you switched bolts but the easy one may have more setback on the face.