Mosin Nagant Stripper clip/charger average price?


New member
Anyone know what original stripper clips go for usually? A guy has some locally and I'd like to pick some up. Thanks
Well ive never bought them for mine, but you can actually buy ammo with the stripper clips, so i'd imagine they are dirt cheap. I wouldn't pay more than a dollar each, I dont even know what the life expectancy of one of those is. originally they were ment to be used and thrown away.
I've picked up a half dozen or so at gun shows in the area. I paid about $1 a piece, though I have commonly seen them for closer to 2-3 dollars a piece when sold in bundles. I'd look to spend about a buck, maybe a buck and a half, tops.
a buck a piece was what I saw them going for last time I saw them, but I haven't seen them in awhile. I know the steel clips are more desirable than brass clips though, so keep that in mind...