mosin nagant question


i was looking to byu a new riflebut im only 15. at my local gun store they have a mosin nagant dated 1942 so im pretty sure it saw action in ww2, anyways its only 115 dollars. will it go up in value and is it good for hunting.
oh and how strong is it compared to a 12 guage i can shoot one of them easy even one handed.
thanks. oh and my grandpa gave me a rem. umc .32 and seriel number is PA4880 how much is that worth
The 7.62 x 54r tends to kick considerably fired from the mosins. I'd say it kicks harder than most 12ga loads that I've fired. They're a blast to shoot, though. For the price, you can't go wrong. Stay safe and happy shooting.
Think of the 7.62X54R as a Russian 30-06... It has a decent amount of recoil. The crappy stock design and metal buttplate doesn't help matters... The mosin is not even on the same planet when you compare 7.62 recoil to certain 12 gauge slug loads...
There is quite a bit of recoil to them but nothing horrible. If you're concerned get a butt pad to cover the metal that is there stock. Being from 42 there is a chance it could have seen WW2, or it was just extra stock that got left around then refurbished at a later date. Most of them are just refurbs with forced to match numbers, restamped repro parts, mix and match, like you'll get a tula barrel, izhevsk bolt, or vice versa. After all they did make some 5 million plus of the rifles, and that's just the 91/30's. Not all went to battle. 115 isn't a bad cost for one. Often you can find M91/30's for 99$ on special at sporting good stores. is a great resource for the rifles if you want more information on them.

Ammo is also fairly cheep, you can get 440 rounds of old surplus from anywhere from 99-140$, just be sure to clean out after using that stuff, it's corrosive.

But they are great to shoot, easy to clean and take apart, come with cool kit usually, you can get a synthetic stock cheap if you don't like the wood. Just be sure to clean the cosmoline out of it real well before you shoot. And don't worry about the recoil, it's not that bad if you shoulder it right. I did it wrong a couple times and it let me know, but standing, or with a shooting rest no worries. Prone sucks a bit but no real reason to do that often.
I bought one and immediately started tinkering. Some people will say to leave it alone since it's an antique pretty much but there are so many out there it's not as if I'm ruining the very last one. I put a long eye relief scope on mine to make it a scout rifle I could hunt with. With the iron sights, you're not going to be extremely accurate past 100 yds which is key when placing a shot in some game. Also, the trigger has an extremely heavy pull which will also destroy your accuracy. Timney has a trigger that you can install on a mosin and bring it's trigger pull down to 2-4 lbs. If youmaje some changes it can be a very good hunting rifle. Just make sure you use soft point rounds. FMJ will pass right through and your game will run. Whatever you decide to do have fun and be safe.
As said above, it's good for hunting with soft point ammo.

as for going up in worth. Not unless massive amount of rifles start to vanish but that aint happening any time soon. Or you got something really rare, like an ex sniper hex receiver Finnish rifle with laminate stock.
Nice guns to shoot, like others said, fair amount of recoil. If it's the M-38 like mine be prepared for a good amount of muzzle flash and wear good ear protection. And have fun with it!!:D
ok but how much is the rem pistol worth and how do i remove slight rust from it i tried very fine steel wool and it looked like it was taking the blue off
For a better answer for your pistol, make a new thread and post it in the handgun section. Personally I'd visit a gunsmith since he'd have good knowledge on how to resotre the gun and could even do it for you and they may be able to estimate worth ofthe gun as well.
Use very fine 0000 steel wool (not the stuff mom uses to scrub pots) and oil to remove light rust. Rub lightly, don't scrub like you're cleaning burnt food off the bottom of a pot.
DnPRK is right, use the 0000 steel wool with some gun oil, but check the area frequently, beacuse it will also take the bluing off, but if its only surface rust, you should be fine!