Mosin-Nagant project


I recently got my hands on a Mosin-Nagant M91/30 in the hopes of starting a new project. I basically want to cut it down to resemble (not 100% though. This isn't meant to be a replica) an M91/59.

I know I need to cut the barrel down and reshape part of the forward stock to get the look I want - as well as file down the rear-sight distance graduation marks. I plan on using a M38 forward sight-base and original 91/30 post and hood for the replacement iron-sight - as the M38 is the only replacement sight-base I could find that wouldn't require welding and would still let me mount an original bayonet to the rifle if I wanted.

Aside from those things, I have some questions about the M59's I've seen. They all seem to run amazingly smooth and I am unsure if that is because the owners actually cleaned out the cosmoline or if the bolt assemblies were just made with higher precision. Maybe they've been modified somehow to run smoother? :confused:

Anyway, I wanted to hear what you all think about this project and maybe offer some suggestions on it as well. I'm fairly new to gunsmithing but am confident in the YouTube videos I've watched thus far :D All joking aside; I'd appreciate any advice y'all could give me.


(Sidenote; I have also heard rumors of a BLADED bayonet for the Mosin. However, all examples of these are few and far between and usually heavily decayed. I am planning on machining/forging my own recreation to use along with this rifle as well sometime soon hopefully. Interesting prospect anyway. :p )
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I plan on using a M38 forward sight-base

M38 front sight sits on a muzzle turned down to 0.652 according to (I don't have one in here now to measure).

To get to that diameter on a 91/30 you're down to around an 18" barrel and not the 19.25" you'd need to be "correct". Also, do you have a lathe on which to turn the muzzle end for the sight? The barrel is tapered- and the sight base will not mount correctly on a taper- it needs a cylinder.

On the now-shorter barrel, the 91/30 post will need to be cut down to correct length as you've mounted it on a shorter (again-taper) barrel.

Good luck.
Brownell's catalog (And maybe their web site) has always had a formula to measure sight heights when you order them. You can mill, grind, or file the taper into the bottom of the sight base once you know the correct height you need.
That's a really cool project, I'm excited to see how it turns out for you.

I would also ask why not just buy a carbine stock? For the fun of making your own? The sling slot won't be in the right place if you use the 91/30 stock. Not to mention the rear sling slot may or may not be the correct style for a 91/59 depending on your year of manufacture. The other thing would be the forward barrel band spring will need to be inlaid into the stock as well. That's all I can think of off the top of my head. If you are looking to build a project yourself, go for it, good luck, and we'll offer whatever help we can. Otherwise I would definitely recommend a carbine stock.

I WOULD buy a carbine stock, but unfortunately I am unfortunately heavily limited on funds and, to be frank, I just love the idea of hand carving the wood. A quirky gal needs a quirky firearm. :rolleyes: Besides, it's a cheap Russian (I got for $5.50 on gunbroker :D ) so it's not like I will cry if It gets messed up slightly. It's not supposed to be an exact replica either - I just wanted to test my always improving skills on a project that seemed cool when I started it and thought the M59 look was something I wanted to try.

As for the barrel tapering - that sorta throws a monkey wrench in my plans as I was formerly unaware of that. That may or may not be the one thing I will have to have the assistance of a gunsmith with. I'll let y'all know when I get to that point though.

As for the forward barrel band spring - that should be easy enough to gouge out and sand down to look nice. I plan on refinishing (well, stripping it anyway) the whole stock prior to any woodwork.
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That is understandable. Maybe put your own touches on it? I had(ve) a similar idea of merging a 91/30 and 38 or 44. And then probably use the extra 38 or 44 barrel for a wildcat cartridge. But I'm rambling.

Good luck with the project! For $5.50 on Gunbroker is anything wrong with it :confused: ?? I would use the ol' string attached to the trigger before shouldering that one.
Is it a little piece of history = matching #'s ? :confused:

Or non matching --

From this T-53 -- :D


Too Wifey's first birthday Nugget -- :eek:

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As for the barrel tapering - that sorta throws a monkey wrench in my plans as I was formerly unaware of that. That may or may not be the one thing I will have to have the assistance of a gunsmith with.

If you know what you're doing- might be able to get by on the taper. Measurements need to be spot on if there won't be any barrel turning involved and you just want to sweat the sight on.

But you need to understand there is skill involved here. You cannot fit the original sight to your desired barrel length- it's vice-verse.

Your barrel is going to be shorter than desired- hardly a "faithful" reproduction. Think it all through start to finish- before you start "chopping".
Ever though the front site / bayonet mount is pressed on with a few tons of pressure -- I managed to pound it off with heat - to thread it for the break --
[Re] Is anything wrong with it?

Aside from some spots where the bluing has faded to bare metal and some very~ minor pitting on the reciever - it was totally clean and functional. Fired about 50 rounds of the Tula stuff through it yesterday and grouped 4 rounds almost 2.5 MOA at 150m on my best target - with 1 flier making the overall grouping about 4 MOA. You can imagine I was damn impressed (with myself mostly. :D ) Sadly, non-matching though. Well actually.. If I am chopping it anyway I guess that is a good thing after all haha!
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When I get out to my not so local range in Calverton & set up at the 200 yrd bench - the long range boys start laughing at me -- "Why are you bothering with that POS -- you'll be lucky to hit any paper at all" ?

By the time I pack up -- they put down their expensive Weatherby's - AR's and ask what I did to it ?

"I'm a master at -CENSORED-- polishing" :p

I cant wait to drop a scope on a few of them :eek:
That's awesome! Super glad to hear that Liulfr. Good luck and post pictures!

Rice, I see you're in NY, never heard of "Lawnguyland" (but I'm assuming that's a made up?) That's a pretty sweet Mosin, I like what you did.

I most certainly will post before and after pictures when I finish! And Lawnguyland is just Long Island but in different words ^^ gotta sound it out to understand it haha
