Mosin Nagant M91/30 problems :(

matt nasty

New member
I guess its nothing to serious but im having trouble with the bolt getting stuck, its very difficult to nearly impossible to move the action......

Is it the ammo? I was shooting mil surplus copper wash rounds.

Not proper cleaning? I think im doing a good job.

any feed back on this problem would be awesome and much appreciated, thanks.
Might be the action itself. Make sure the serial numbers on the bolt and the action match. A whole lot of these rifles are mismatched, which can present problems if the two pieces were machined differently.

How to fix it? I dunno :confused:.
Is it getting stuck with a shell chambered? Or cycling empty? Does it function at all or just rough?

I took a medium and fine abrasive brush Dremel wheel and cleaned/polished entire bolt assembly on all "4" of mine. Made bolt look like new( watch markings) .410 gauge copper brush on a cordless drill into chamber with "Sweets" solvent . Shiny as new and function beautifully.

Hope it works.
How do the casings look when you manage to get them out of the chamber? Any splits or obvious deformations?

Many years ago a friend of mine had an ancient milsurp round split and lock up his Mauser. He had to kick the bolt open. That was an ammo problem, the rifle checked out fine.

Have you fired any new-production ammo through it? If other kinds of ammo work, I would just avoid that particular vintage of milsurp. If it's a universal problem, you should probably have it checked out by a gunsmith (or just buy another MN, it could be cheaper than the gunsmith:)).
Did you attempt to turn the safety while the bolt was not closed?

The lower rail on the bolt must be around the lower lug of the 'safety'. If it is above, below, to the side, or hanging up on the rail; you'll have problems.
Is it the ammo? I was shooting mil surplus copper wash rounds.

Sounds like it could be ammo. I had an issue where I had a hell of a time cycling the bolt after firing a round. Switched ammo and the problem did not repeat itself. I've put a lot of rounds down range since then without issue.
My tula was real sticky like that. Chuck up your cleaning rod in a cordless drill with a bristle full of lacquer thinner, and go in from the action side. It freed mine right up, even with steel cased rounds.