Mosin M91/30 sights---it works


New member
Most of these I've been around shoot high. Mine when set on the 100 (yard/meter or what ever they use) shot 8 inches high at 100 yards. I want this for CMP Vintage Military Rifle Matches so I want it dead on at 100 @ the 100 mark, cause I'm not into favors if I don't have to.

I did some measurements and determined that base on this rifles sight radius, .0061 movement of the rear sight moves the impact 1 in (or MOA). So if I'm 8 inches high, thats .0488. I took the rear sight ladder from the sight mount off (punched out the pivot pin) put the sucker in the milling machine and cut it down .0488. This was off the bottom of the sight, the part that contacts the sight base. It still slides up for longer ranges. After I got the sight back together, you can't tell it was worked on.

Found out both my mild 150 grn loads and 180 grn WW factory loads stay in the X ring.

Wind age corrections can be made by moving the front sight left or right. If it shoots low, the front sight can be cut down .0061 per MOA.

Just though I'd throw this in for anyone who has one of these rifles that have elevation problems and wants to shoot it in compitition.
Just in case folks haven't figured out the math..
You must have a common unit of measure,so if you measure the sight radius in inches,you have to measure the range in inches.
So,a yard is 36 inches,100 yds is 3600 inches.
Divide the sight radius into the range.Examples,if you had a 18 in sight radius,the answer would be 200.If you had a 6 in sight radius,the answer would be 600.That is the multiplier that tells you how much one unit of sight movement will give ypu on the target.
With an 18 in sight radius,.001 sight movement would be .200 on the target..010 movement would be 2 inches on the target.
With a 6 in sight radius,.001 would be .600 on target,.010 would be 6 inches.
It works in reverse,too.With an 18 in sight radius,if you want 1 in on the target,divide 1.00 by 200,and you get .005 sight change.
This can be used,say,if you have a 1911 that is 4 inches low at 25 yds with original sights and you want to put on a Novak set,you can measure what you have to get a baseline to order the right height.
After getting your 100 yard sight setting corrected, does your 200 300 and 400 still work? I had a similar problem on a Mauser, I just installed a taller front sight, and marked the sight in white to indicate what the original sight height was.
200 does, I haven't tried it past that, as I said this rifle will be used in CMP GSM Vintage Military Rifle Matches, shot at 200 yards or reduced 100 yard matches.