Mosin info needed


New member
I dont need another rifle. BUT, I kind of like these rather ugly if not unrefined looking rifles. Its not like a enfield or mauser. My dad bought both a enfield and a mauser (wish he bought a springfield also) for next to nothing when they were all over the market place. I think that the Mosin is in that same position now. Anyway I would like to grab one that is less comin (far a mosin) and truth be told I know almost nothing about these rifles other than they are russian bolt action.
Does someone have a link to a sight that lays them all out with the diference between them? What should I be looking for and how do I ID it? Other than a tight bolt and clean bore what are problem areas to look at? What kind of accuracy can I expect at 100yds, from the rifle not me?
I believe the M38 is one of the rarer versions of the Soviet variants, depending on the year of production. I'm not too well versed on other countries' models.

This is your one-stop shop of encyclopaedic Mosin info:

My Mosins are reasonably accurate with factory loads. But most of the fun of these rifles, for me, is the cheap surplus ammo that will sacrifice some accuracy
I plan on running the surplus bulgarian or other surplus ammo. Cheap and dirty. I am trying to talk a friend into getting one at the same time so we can have some friendly competition to make it interesting. Thanks for the resource. I am going to print some pages before going to the LGS. I hate to rely on what they tell me.

+1 on that.

As for being ugly, they may be a little beat up but you can really make a mosin look nice. My 91/30 was pretty rough when I bought it, so I refinished the stock and I think it's worthy enough to be a wall hanger. (probably not the best idea to refinish the stock if you happen to find a rare one though)
look for a Finnish M39. Usually considered the most accurate of the Mosins. Will be a little but more $$, but much more collectable too. Quality is much better for the most part also.
well there are several different kinds. in the long rifle there are 91/30s and 1891s. pretty much the exact same rifle, 10 feet long with a 3 foot spike at that end, they are essentially pikes that shoot bullets. for some time a few american companies made 1891 mosins and they are getting to be very hard to find, if you ever see one that has Remington or New England Westinghouse on them get it. they are highly sought after. as far as good shooters, I have no idea what the difference is my self but in the 91/30 models the more sought after are hexagonal receiver models. I own two round receiver models and have no problem shooting them. also the Finnish M39 is essentially a mosin nagant 91/30 manufactered to much higher specifications so it runs much smoother and has better accuracy.

other models that are not nearly as common are Carbines. M38, M44 and type53(Chinese) are much shorter than the 91/30 and 1891 and are usually instantly identifiable by flip up bayonets running along the right hand side of the barrel. to me is the only sight to go to for info on these fine rifles.

M38's do not have bayonetts & never had any ability to mount one which is why the M44's were developed.

M91's are the oldest & longest ones being made from early 1890's till the early 1930's with about 50" + total length.
M91/30's & the Finnish M39's can be had with round or hex recievers & were in production till well after WWII & the along with the Cossack & Dragoon rifles they are around 48" long.

All carbine models for the most part are around 40" in length.
I looked at a Chinese carbine with the spike bayonet today. stamped 1960. Bore was shiney and looked very good. Furniture was well used but no major damage. They were asking $300. Unfortunatly/Fortunatly they also had a Chinese SKS with bayonet that I liked for $350. Now I am thinking of the SKS. I am not in love with the Mosin. Its just inexpensive and I want to collect a few war/military guns.
Are you more interested in a "shooter", or a collectible?
There is often overlap, but a rare Mosin with a so-so bore (or worse) can have greater value than a great shooting, $100 Russian 91/30.

I would steer towards the Finnish Mosins, because they generally have better fit, finish, and accuracy.

Be aware, that these sometimes have true .308 groove diameters, while the Russian and others more commonly have .311-.312, or larger if worn.

Go through the site suggested above. There are also several forums that specialize more on the Mosin- and by all means, do a search here, and check the C&R section for threads on this great rifle.
the SKS vs mosin nagant is kindof a wash. the type 53 that you are looking at will kick like a mule and give a huge fireball with almost every shot and would be highly advised to use at least single hearing protection while shooting. the SKS is a little more accurate overall and will not have nearly the recoil or be nearly as loud but the limitations of the 7.62x39 round over range make it a close range only shooter. some people shoot them out to 500 yards but past 200 yards they lack enough energy to make clean kills making it a poor choice for long range hunting.
PUT THEM BOTH ON LAYAWAY! they are both really fun guns. i had a yugo SKS and kick myself for selling it. i have a M44 a 91/30 and a M38. all of which are really fun to shoot. the triggers will take some getting used to(worst triggers you will ever feel), but Timney actually makes a nice replacement.
I am in the process of bidding on a Hungarian mosin 44. I am of Hungarian decent and that will make it "special" enough to me. Looks great from the pics and I expect it will close out under $200. That fits the bill in this case. Hopeful that it looks near the same in person. I had an itch to buy something. It happens. I also submitted my pistol permits (nj) today so I will be buying a pistol in about 12 wks. Looking toward a BFR 460 and probably fill the other permit with something off the wall like a Frommer Stop (Hungarian).
The SA center fire rifle will have to wait. Who knows what I will end up with AK, AR, M1, SKS, Dragonav. IMO you have to buy whatever fills that need at the time.