Moron shoots innocent girl


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HUDSON -- An 11 year old girl is out of the hospital and OK after a chance encounter with a stray bullet.

Christal Gordon was inside her bedroom Saturday night about 5 pm when a Harmony Drive just after 5 p.m. when a bullet came through a wall of her mobile home on Harmony Drive and struck her in the back

According to the Pasco County Sheriff's office, the shot came from a neighbor's .22 rifle. Investigators say some adults about 3 houses down were firing at chickens in order to scare them off, when one of the 's bullet ricocheted through the wall of Gordon's bedroom.

Her family took her to the hospital in Pasco County and was she was treated and released Saturday.

The case is under investigation and so far no one has been charged with a crime.
While the actions of the morons does deserve severe prosecution I think said morons should be thanked for only using a .22

Imagine them using a 30.06 instead. That ricochet would have killed the girl.

Having stupidly put a .22 through 3 layers of drywall in my house I more fully understand the limitations of the round. The girl was struck in the back after the bullet went through a minimum of a metal skin, wall board and most likely some insulation after having traveled maybe enough to slow down a little and the fact is that most ricochets are much slower than the velocity at the muzzle. So, I must conclude that the bullet hit her hard enough to cause pain and maybe drew blood or at least leave a nice welt. Her parents of course were smart enough to take her to a hospital (what parent wouldn't after their was shot) where she was likely looked at, bandaged, given a tetnis booster and sent home since there was no mention of any surgery to remove any deep fragments of any kind.

I bet there is a new neighborhood fued soon. These are the kind of idiots the gun grabbers think we all are. Just bad press for gun owners.
Imagine them using a 30.06 instead

Riccichet angle woulda been different from a .22 (forces due to mass and velocity) and would have probably killed someone else if not more than one.

But yeah, had the angle been right it would have been more likely for her to have been killed had it been an 06.
"Firing at chickens to scare them off"??????????

I wonder if they actually scared off those brave, resolute chickens? Chickens so determined (to do what, exactly?) that they must be driven off by gunfire!! What have the growth hormones done to the chickens now? Are we going to have to wrestle the suckers to get them out of the box of KFC???

I'm sorry, but they are called chickens for a reason. The idiots shooting (even if they were not sober/straight) should have been able to come up with a better story than that. Of course, since they didn't, it just might be the truth. But shooting to drive chickens away?

Some things just boggle the mind.
Bravest little chicken I ever knew. :rolleyes:

For these idiots own protection they need to be prosecuted. If she had been killed, they would be facing a possible prison sentence. As it is, any felony conviction will suffice that will make possession of a firearm illegal for these particular morons.