More Women


New member
Went to the monthly Connecticut travellers Sporting Clays shoot last sunday. Great shoot, but during the awards ceremony after the lunch the president announced that of the 150 shooters present 25 were women!( Some even shot better than I did, uh... OK a lot of them shot better than I did).

I noticed a couple of the women showed up without their husbands.

This is significant in that women seem to be the driving force behind the clamor for gun control. I believe that if more women were exposed to shooting sports and could see people enjoying themselves in a safe environment their bias against firearms would dissappear.

Most women are exposed to firearms on TV where they see people blown away every night with no consequences, they are never exposed to the sport side of firearms.

Girls with guns are more fun ( even when they outshoot me).
Women are becoming more interested in guns.

Normally I don't like selling guns through classified ads. But I've been trying to sell or trade my S&W 9mm at gun shows for several months with no luck. The dealers just wouldn't make anything close to a fair offer. So I put an ad in the local Shoppers News.
The buyer who arrived at my door was a 40ish, middle class working mom along with two kids about 12 years old. (BTW: the kids were very nice and polite.) She told me that she and her husband had just gotten interested in guns and showed me her training certificate from a local shooting school. She listened carefully as I explained the features and operation of the pistol. She asked for a bill of sale, which I provided, and didn't have any problem with letting me make a copy of her drivers license for my records. This was, without a doubt, the most interesting sale I have ever made. While I hate to sell any gun, I'm very pleased to know this one has found a good home.
BTW: the reason for the sudden interest in firearms. Y2K.
Every woman that I've taken shooting has loved it. Unfortunately few women get interested in guns on their own. Usually a male of some relation has to plead with them to go (but only the first time) and there aren't many of those who would (possibly out of fear?).
I agree. Every woman I know that has tried shooting loves it and is usually a good shot right off the bat. Maybe they don't feel they have to be so they are. Does that make sense?

I swear I know the reincarnation of Annie Oakley. There is one young lady at an annual get together we have each year in rural Virginia that can pick up any gun, even though she has never used one like it and part a gnat's hair with it. This is with revolvers, semi-autos, rifles, doesn't matter. I am always amazed at her natural skill. One time she borrowed my Commander and challenged me to a dual (not that kind, the kind using a dualing post). She had never shot it before, but the contest was over in about 2 seconds - I lost. I was pleased that instead of gloating, her comment was, "I love this gun! I gotta have one." She said this to her husband, she'll probably come this year with one, although I think her husband suggested a Kimber instead. Another time we were shooting clays and she says, "That looks like fun, can I try it?" She proceeds to hit 4 out of 5, and it was the first time she had ever touched a shotgun. Simply amazing. She's gotta be Annie.
My wife has taken to shooting like a fish to water. She's even hinting at trying IDPA if I like it. She just bought ME a new pistol! She's also dropping hints about getting an HK USP40 or 9 Compact (stainless, of course ;)) of her own for a primary (now a SIG P230) and for gungames. God, I love that woman!

I've found that other women are much more likely to go to the range with me when my wife comes, too. Less "macho" crap going on, I guess. They invariably have a good time, and even some vaugely anti-gun girls have come along and had their minds stretched a bit.

Guys, on the other hand, seem to always want to shoot my guns (and all of my ammo, if I'm not watching!). Even some semi-anti gun guys will come along (they don't want to be a WIMP, now, do they?) and end up with a mind-stretch as well.

Trips to the range: Arguably the best tool we have to convince people we're right.
One of my wife's friends wants to learn how to shoot so she offered to bring her along when we go. Another of her friends is very anti, especially regarding 'assault weapons' and 'semi-autos', whatever that means to her. She came to our apartment prior to this conversation. After her anti statements to my wife, my wife said, 'it's a good thing my husband put all of his guns aways'( I had ben cleaning after an extended range session, ar15, benelli M1, Glocks, etc.. Her friend thought she was joking but my wife indicated no, she was telling the truth. Her response was, 'Gee, I've always wanted to learn how to shoot a pistol!' Go figure!!

I think many anti's are merely parroting what they hear out of fear and lack of familiarity. Needless to say, we'll invite her shooting too!

Regards, Chris..
Morgan, you're absolutely right about mind-stretching.

I just started working at a major telecom business (I can't tell you the name, but the initials are MCI). My co-worker isn't at all into guns... he says. Not that he's an anti, he just doesn't like them.

He says.

Yesterday, we started talking about shotguns. By the end of the day, he was looking at the Mossberg web site, and asking questions about the M500 Marinecote.


I told him that I go to the range every weekend, and if he wants to go along, give me a call. His eyes lit up.


Another convert!

How does it become a man to behave toward this American government to-day?
I answer, that he cannot without disgrace be associated with it.
--Thoreau, "Civil Disobedience"