More testing of ammo for my 617


New member

It was a perfect day for testing at the range today. Temps were in the hight 60s to low 70s while there. I was able to test a small variety of ammo to see which works best in my 617 S&W .22 revolver.

My Go - To round for this gun is Federal Premium HV. They shoot the best, all go off on the first strike, are accurate and I can shoot 200 before I have to scrub the chambers.

Today was to test for reliability and some ammo proved good while surprisingly others were dismal.

Federal Auto Match in the new 275 round boxes proved to be exceptional. No failure of any kind and it was clean. American Eagle was just as reliable. Probably because it's made by Federal.

Eley was the worst out of my gun. Out of 50 rounds I had 13 not fire. They fired on the second time around but that's no good when you are shooting under the clock for Steel Challenge.

Federal Champions were the dirtiest of the lot. Had to clean the gun after 30 rounds. Lead was getting under the star making the trigger impossible to move. I took a brush to the back of the cylinder under the star and then I was ready for the other ammo.

The Federal Target did not present itself as good target ammo. Groups weren't as tight as Auto Match nor the American Eagle. I also had 3 failures to fire out of the 50 rounds.

Wolf ammo surprised me. Great groups. Only 1 ftf in the lot and clean shooting.

Have you messed with the hammer spring on your 617?

No rimfire revolver should fail to fire with any brand of ammunition.

I have bunches of S&W 22 caliber revolvers, the oldest being over 100 years old, the newest a Model 617. None of them fails to fire with any brand of ammo I put in them.
With the stock setup there is no problem but yes, my 617 is modified. It has an Apex Tactical hammer and a lighter rebound spring but the mainspring is still the stock one and the strain screw is always turned completely in.

I don't mind searching for ammo that works with it. That's the cost of having a well tunes gun with a 7 lb trigger. For me, it's worth it.

Its all about finding the right ammo when it comes to 617-1 6" runs really well and accurately with cci mini-mag, so that's what I stay with.

It shoots the 36gr and 40gr real well, but its a little more accurate with the 36gr...

And I run the same ammo thru my model 18...and a browning buckmark...And a wilson combat conversion kit....they all like the 36gr Mini Mag...