More SBR Questions...


New member
Just a few questions about SBRs. I have several AR rifles, one suppressor and I've built an AR pistol so I'm not totally unfamiliar. I've just gotten the urge to build a .300 Blk as an SBR and put a suppressor on it.

1. Can I register one of the rifle lowers that I already have as an SBR or should I start with a virgin lower?

2. Can I freely swap different (short) uppers onto one registered lower?

3. Would I be breaking any rules to put a full length upper on a registered SBR lower? (Not that I can think of a reason why I would.)
Hi Locked,
You can register an existing lower as a SBR by completing a form 1 and paying the associated $200 tax. Once you receive your approved form 1 with stamp you are good to move forward with your build.

The temporary change rules are somewhat of a grey area to me so I will wait for someone more knowledgeable than me to answer. I would also suggest consulting an attorney in your area familiar with NFA law. The short answer is yes, you are allowed to make temporary changes to the SBR configuration as long as you can return the rifle to the registered configuration.

The answer to your third question is found here

SBR's are a lot of fun, especially in .300 blackout. Enjoy!
1. Can I register one of the rifle lowers that I already have as an SBR or should I start with a virgin lower?

Yes you can use an existing lower. All 4 of my SBR's arr built on guns i already owned

2. Can I freely swap different (short) uppers onto one registered lower? yep again. I have a 223 and 2 different 300blk uppers that i swap around on 1 of those lowers,

3. Would I be breaking any rules to put a full length upper on a registered SBR lower? (Not that I can think of a reason why I would.)
. Nope. Swaping a standard upper does not remove the lower from the NFA registry. You can put a full size upper on the lower and travel to nonNFA states and across state lines without doing a 5320.20 as well
As someone looking into a similar line of thought,

Please confirm:
Is it legal to transport a registered SBR in a Full-Length configuration across state lines (without notification)...and generally act like it is a "normal" rifle, until converting it back to SBR length?
Thanks for the replies guys! I went to the BATFE website and read all the FAQs just to be sure and then ordered the paperwork packet for the form 1 build. I also went to the LGS, paid for the can and started the paperwork. They said the non-trust route is running about 7 months right now.

Once the paperwork for the SBR comes in, I'll take it to the Sheriff and get both sets signed off. His office is good about doing fingerprints and he does sign off on the paperwork.

What needs to be engraved on the lower and where should I send it?