More on taurus 45LC...


New member
The Taurus has been around the forums lately, so here's another question:
What's the hottest ammo you have used in the M450 (Taurus 45LC snubbie)?
What's the hottest you use often? occasionally?
Esp for handloaders! But everyone answer!
I'll have to dig up my load data, but I loaded some 240 grain sierra JHPS that were real nasty.

I actually have had 3 of the things but got rid of them cause I couldn't stand the recoil

255 grain lead never flew straight.
200gr works for me

Shooting 200gr Silvertips or Blazers (the old Speer flying ashtray) is not bad in my Titanium snubby. 250gr loads are a mite stout for my taste. As far as accuracy goes: well... I need more practice. The up close 7-10 yard range is OK, but it's sure no target pistol, which is no news. Real intimidating from the business end though, and odds are good that's what you need.
Ok, not exactly what you wanted, but I had a Taurus 450T that I tried to shoot hot loads through...well, warm loads anyway. When they said +P I took them too seriously. My plan was to at least be able to use the CorBon self defense loads, but to no would lock up solidly with one shot from that stuff. I sent it back, they goofed with it, but it was still the same. I called them again, spoke to their service manager again, and he said that the CorBon was "too +P" (my quotes) and I should try Winchester instead. I sold the gun.
When Cor-Bon says...

"Plus P" in a .45 Colt, it generally means "Ruger Only". I wouldn't be real keen on capping them off in a Mountain Gun, either...
Dug up my info. 8.0 grains of bullseye, new starline brass, fed 150 large pistol primer 240 grain sierra JHP = one really nasty round. probably not +p, but too much for my mitts. No extraction problems with them

I had the aluminum framed one at first, think I nearly blew it up, so I took it back to the dealer who refunded my money. Too bad, cause that thing would one-hole at 15 yards with 200 JHPS. One round kicked so hard and had such a blast that I still dont know what exactly happened, but it didn't feel right. Cases were tight, but still came out.

Got a steel frame one and it had some horrible machining marks in the rifling when I cleaned it the first time so I took it back and they gave me the other steel frame on the shelf.

That one shot pretty good, could even group 255 leads in about 3" at 15 yards even though they went through the target sideways!! that would be better than any +p for knockdowns, but who knows what happens at 25 yards......

All in all, the taurus was worth the money, but not a penny more. They were all marked $249 at the time I bought each. Recoil was awful, and the accuracy just wasn't suitable for what I wanted, so I traded it.
We shot...

Winchester Silvertips and Blazer 200gr Gold Dots through Lendringser's steel Taurus 450 with nary a problem.

Steve Smith,
I don't recall Cor-Bon's "Personal Defense" .45 Colt load (200gr@1100fps) as being super-duper-gun-damaging-hot, but it could definitely cause bullets to jump crimp in a flyweight titanium gun.
No crimp-jumpin' here...

The bullets didn't jump crimp...the action just got tight as all hell. Since there's more leverave with single action, you could still cock and fire it that way (why would you want to, possibly damaging the gun?) but DA was out of the question.