More of what the Daily Kos people think of gun owners...We attack other countries!


At least they understand that they can't attack the institutions of the nation with patchouili oil and guitars, but... WTF? We who are armed are the ones who "support attacking other countries". Okay then! :rolleyes:

In Europe, when general strikes fail to produce results - which is rare - populations have been known to turn to violence. European civilians are not armed, so they overturn cars to form barricades and dig up cobblestones or find other things to throw.

Here’s the irony: many Americans are armed, but they are usually the ones who support attacking other countries. Those who believe there are better ways of solving international problems - including the need for oil - usually do not belong to the NRA. They believe the second amendment was intended to guarantee a citizen army - or militia - at a time when we had to fight to boot the British army out of our country.

So the further irony is that were a sizable number of anti-war Americans to decide to take action against their government (a duty outlined in the Constitution, when government fails its citizens), they would probably face not only the helmets and tasers of official force, but also, the enthusiastic opposition of citizen gun owners.
ok? :confused: I know it's fun to preach to the choir but at least give us something to argue about :p we all know they're pretty loony so unless posting fringe liberal silliness gets your jollies off I don't understand what we're supposed to be discussing
Just a reminder following onto the other thread that any who seek "compromise" are foolish, because there is no compromise with this sort.

To them, guns are a symbol of all that's wrong and bad in their limited little worldview, and that's never gonna change.

Also that these people are 100% behind Hillbama, and basically, if you want to keep your guns, "vote right". Remember, Hillary and Obama attended their convention. They have their ear. And this is what's being said into it.

These people hate us for being gun owners. They see us as the enemy. Just remember that whenever you think that any sort of compromise is possible.
Just a reminder following onto the other thread that any who seek "compromise" are foolish, because there is no compromise with this sort.
Well, certainly not on guns. Over the years my opinions on the issue have matured as I've learned more and I certainly realize that there is no additional gun control measures I could ever support.

That being said while I don't think compromise on guns is smart compromise on other issues is certainly worth looking at. I wonder how this argument would go if those in the NRA were more apt to keep America's nose out of everyone else's business?
These people hate us for being gun owners. They see us as the enemy. Just remember that whenever you think that any sort of compromise is possible.
Not exactly. I'm sure some of them really do hate us for being gun owners but I think the majority of the animosity comes from gun owners tending to be a little radical on other issues. I know plenty of liberal gun owners. I know plenty of gay gun owners, socialist gun owners, atheist gun owners, female gun owners that have had abortions or support them, open-border gun owners, non-interventionist gun owners, anti-war gun owners, etc.

With all due respect you are as extreme as those lefty nuts on Daily Kos. You go just as wild and crazy about certain things as they do, just on the other end of the spectrum. A little logic, rational thought, critical thinking and pragmatism will be more beneficial to our RKBA and to our society in general than the soap-box hollerin' about damn lefties and hippies.
little logic, rational thought, critical thinking and pragmatism

Exactly why I go for the right-side viewpoint. Because it IS based on logic, pragmatism and objectism, cold, hard facts that the world is a dangerous and vicious place where there are, indeed, bad people who want to kill you and take your stuff. The left is the side of emotion over logic, kneejerk reactions over facts, and denial of reality in favor of utopian visions that never existed and never will.

I've studied both sides, trust me. And I see who enabled the worst dictators. What capitalism has built, versus what socialism has destroyed. What greatness personal responsibility resulted in, and what degradation and squalor removal of personal responsibility has resulted in.

In terms of firearms, currently, the right's position is based on fact. Guns are necessary to defend from dangers; the police can't appear instantly to assist you. Fact. The left's position is based on emotion and fantasy. Guns make people violent. If all the guns are taken off the streets, criminals won't have guns. There would be peace without guns. It's all wrong. Completely wrong.

I'm not particularly religious, even. I just reject leftism due to finding it utterly bankrupt of logic, facts, and objective reason.

I don't think that's very extremist.
Well it's certainly your right to feel that way, even though I disagree. :) I may not always like what you have to say but I'll fight to the death for your right to say it. ;)

Some days I get frustrated by the things I read on this forum but at the same time I'd still gladly go shooting with just about anyone here. :D
I think you really have to take anything you see in the European press with several grains of salt. We in America have this notion of what “a free press” means, but it bares no resemblance to what is called a free press in Europe. In most countries in the rest of the world the press is just an arm of the government. In America you can print or report anything, lie, fantasy, outrageous fabrication, whatever, directed at anyone you want and tomorrow you can wake up and do it all over again without fear of reprisal. That won’t fly in most other countries.

Given that the press and the media shape our view of the world, in deed shape our reality it is small wonder that so many of the Middle Eastern countries hate us. Considering that their governments / media have brainwashed them in every aspect of their lives, what would you expect. How could they not hate us?

Personally I think everyone should buy more guns and stockpile ammo. There’s an ugly day coming.
Contradictory to what this article states:

If a huge number American citizens decide that the government has failed them, failed enough that revolt and replacement is necessary, I feel it is likely that most NRA and firearm owners will be on the side that agrees it's time for a change.

Too bad the American government will have the USMC, USAF, USArmy, USNavy, and hundreds of trillions of dollars of military hardware and technology to stop said Revolution before it gets underway.
Now, Now Red.

There ya go again. Found another one to pick with have ya? You're a glutton for punishment aren't ya? ;)

I would rather lean right than left, but if I must lean left to avoid a collision with the obstacle ahead of me I will, even though reluctantly.:eek:

Maybe the best thing we could do as a country would be to conduct an experiment. Perhaps if we sent all leftist to the left coast, the right wingers to the right coast and let the moderates reside in the midlands, then have no one interfere with the goals and aspirations of the particular philosophies. Just so we can find out what happens after a few decades of unimpeded "political progress". It would be an effective way to see who's philosophy is the better one, IMO.
Exactly why I go for the right-side viewpoint. Because it IS based on logic, pragmatism and objectism, cold, hard facts that the world is a dangerous and vicious place where there are, indeed, bad people who want to kill you and take your stuff. The left is the side of emotion over logic, kneejerk reactions over facts, and denial of reality in favor of utopian visions that never existed and never will.

That must be why the Right overwhelmingly supports the War on Drugs, right?