More of the "12-year old" story

It's not a news story. It's a negative editorial, actually, with opinions from the "usual suspects". We have the same sort of babble here in the US during deer season.

Always remember that in rural Africa, protein in the diet is of low availability. Thus selective hunts such as the culling of that old-age giraffe provide meat that otherwise would not be available. That's a fact which is unknown or is disregarded by the anti-hunting claque.
Are you trying to tell me people in Africa Can't go to Whole Foods and buy grass fed 98% lean grass fed beef or vegetable protein patty substitutes? Ridiculous. They should move. :)

Honestly though, I'd eat/hunt a horse long before I'd eat a giraffe and I don't dislike horses.
I didn't watch the video but from the comments I get the gist and feel my comment is warranted.

I was fortunate enough to go to South Africa for 10 days in 2010. I was very interested in what was done with the meat from the animals we took. In the case of my outfitter, most of the meat is utilized by the workers on the farm. Any excess is sold to the local meat markets. Nothing is wasted and without these animals, there would be little protein available to the laborers and local people.

After gleaning the above information I asked if this meant I could go to the local butcher shop and purchase a giraffe steak as another hunter had taken one previously. The outfitter replied, well probably not but, giraffe does make excellent sausage!
Is "The Mirror" a bastion of print journalism? Okay, rhetorical question, as they obviously are somewhere on the same level as "The Onion."

The piece itself was apparently written by a child, with only the most rudimentary grasp of the fundamentals of journalism.

This story rates about as high as a Nat. Inquirer piece in my book.