More Feinstein exploitation


Moderator Emeritus
Came in citation yet:

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR> Feinstein proposes tough gun law

Updated 8:25 AM ET August 11, 1999
SACRAMENTO, Aug. 11 (UPI) California Sen. Dianne Feinstein says she'll sponsor legislation next month to require registration of all of the nation's guns, and licensing of all gun owners. Feinstein said at a Sacramento news conference that she's also considering legislation to outlaw all high-capacity weapons. Feinstein said she'd planned to announce her gun registration proposal next month, but decided to do it yesterday because of the shooting of five people at a Jewish community center in Los Angeles County.[/quote]

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
They don't even wait for the blood to cool before they start dancing in it, do they?

A vote for the lesser of two evils is still a vote for evil.
Vote Libertarian - For A Change.
Has anyone told her that the guns used most recently were already illegal and that more law won't do a damn thing ...

Then there's Gov Red ... er, Gray Davis, wanting to "Get all assault weapons off the streets" ... sounds like a confiscation scheme to me.

I think it's un-American and tragic what happened yesterday, but there is only one way it could have been prevented.
More political pap from the Leftist Sob-sister of California. Most of these drips don't even know what kind of guns they are trying to control. Like full registration is going to prevent this stuff. I heard that this guy tried to get himself committed to a mental hospital but, was unsuccessful. If that is true then, I think we need to look elsewhere besides guns for the responsibility here.
In the article Fineswine said she was going to propose her Hitlerian measures next month anyway. So these tragedies really make no difference in the socialist view.

Even if gun deaths dropped to zero, they would still go forward. The media circus atmosphere is just icing on the cake.
As DC pointed out elsewhere, no sense providing 'intel' to the enemy. However, I will note that Ms. Feinstein is getting ready to take a pretty big bite, and I doubt she has sufficient appetite for what she may be initiating. OTOH, the further and faster they reach, the more obvious their real agenda.

They'd better be prepared to build more prisons and hire more LEO's that are willing to become American Gestapo agents.
from: [AR15-L]
Feinstein GUN CONFISCATION statement today

Did anyone catch the interview that feinstein did on NBC
regarding the shooting? My friend called me up in disbelief
as soon as he heard it, but unfortunately I wasn't home from
work yet. Anyway the gist of what he told me what was said
went like this:

Feinstein: ...gun control up to this point has been ineffectual
and there hasn't been a serious attempt at it...

NBC reporter: Are you saying something like gun confiscation?

Feinstein: Yes, but we will be talking about that in September.

On every subsequent rebroadcast, the interview is cut right before
she mentions the part about confiscation!
You Kalifornians better get on the move to dump that %$#&*%! Just think foreign citizen and maybe you can get her recalled.( I earlier brought out the fact that she is probably an Israeli citizen) OPps.,I forgot, the laws have been changed . We are all citizens of the NWO. Where is the vomit bag?
I am back again . The more i think about it ,th is is what I say to comrade Feinstein and her elitist gangsters. Good ,go ahead and pass a bill in Congress banning all you want. I am sick and tired of the suspense. Lets have your gun confiscation bill pass and send your people oout to try to take the weapons away from the people. Anyway, there will be results one way or another. If the people give up their guns then the nation does not deserve to survive and can become a NWO province. I am tired of petitions, marches, sitting at polling places, pleadings to the corrupt politicos and all the other wastes of time in fighting all these damn gun laws. Go ahead and pass one big confiscation act and at least maybe we will know who is with us when the chips are really down.
I sometimes wonder myself if it wouldn't be better if they passed a bill requiring confiscation and then sent the police door to door to collect. Rather than take up freedom one link at a time, take up the slack all at once, find out if America will be free or enslaved once and for all. Either way I will probably go up in a blaze of glory :(
