More evidence to remain armed


New member
This from my e-mail:

Remember this name: Thomas Glenn Terry
(patriot) Oct 20, 08:13

Please share this as seems necessary.

Remember this name: Thomas Glenn Terry. It won't be bandied quite as much as
"Mark O. Barton" over the next few weeks, but it should be. A few years ago
two armed men burst into a Shoney's restaurant in Anniston, Alabama and
herded the patrons and employees into a walk-in refrigerator, at gun point.
The robbers kept the manager behind for his assistance as they looted the
restaurant. One patron, however, also remained behind. Thomas Glenn Terry
had opted against being locked in a refrigerator, and hid from the attackers
under a table. As one of the armed robbers ransacked the cash register,
another patroled the restaurant. When he came across Mr. Terry, he pulled
his gun.

But unlike the recent victims in Atlanta, this victim was armed. Using his
own legally concealed handgun, Terry shot and killed the robber. The other
armed robber, who had had his gun trained on the manager, then opened fire
on Terry. Terry shot back, mortally wounding the second robber. The two
dozen hostages were released unharmed. Only the criminals -- who had been
armed with stolen guns by the way -- didn't make it out alive.

You probably hadn't heard of the Shoney's restaurant incident. In the
media's boundless capacity to stultify the public with sensational news
stories, they have made places like Littleton, Colorado household names. But
"Anniston, Alabama" doesn't ring a bell.

A massacre is a story. Thwarting a massacre isn't. But once you know about
Anniston, and similar averted tragedies, something will start to leap out at
you as you read news accounts of gunmen shooting scores of innocents.
Massacre stories always include a terrifying account of how the killers
proceeded from victim to victim, pausing to reload, and shooting again. Mass
murder requires that the victims be unarmed.

Thomas Glenn Terry, though heroic, is not altogether unique. Two years ago
in Pearl, Mississippi a deranged student shot and killed two of his
classmates. Fortunately, Joel Myrick, the assistant principal had a gun in
his car. He prevented the shooting from becoming a Littleton level massacre
by holding the student at gunpoint until the police arrived.

A year later, in Edinboro, Pennsylvania, a 14-year-old boy opened fire at an
eighth-grade graduation dance, killing a teacher and wounding three others.
A single murder did not become a mass murder only because a near-by
restaurant owner, James Strand, happened to be armed. As the shooter stopped
to reload, Strand immobilized the shooter, holding him for over ten minutes,
until the police appeared. A lot of killing can be accomplished in ten
minutes when none of your victims is armed.

How long did it take the police to arrive in Atlanta? Barton walked into one
office building in Atlanta shot four people dead, then left the building,
ambled across the street, entered another building, and killed at least five
more people. As in Littleton there are film clips of policemen scaling the
building's walls to rescue terrified and completely defenseless people

Most striking in the news reports of Barton's shooting spree was this: Fully
three hours after the shooting, some people were still hiding in the
building. Hiding. Waiting like pigs before the slaughter. Because none of
them was armed. None but the madman.

But for some reason, the government's response is always to disarm more
citizens. Not to disarm itself, by the way, but to disarm people other than
the police who show up 15 minutes after the shooting has begun. This isn't a
complaint about the police, they simply can't be everywhere at once. It's a
plea for more citizen guards. There may be bad citizens, but, let me remind
you, there are also bad police. Why are they the only ones don't have to
hide in their offices when madmen with guns show up? More guns will not
create more Mark Bartons. Guns can do a lot of things, like protect you from
lunatics, but they don't make you criminally insane.

Consider Mr. Barton. The initial reports have been that he killed his
children because his stock porfolio had declined. Well, that's a rational
response. Whether it was his stocks or his wife or the weather -- he killed
his children. This is a madman. In the absence of a gun, he could have used
an axe, a bomb, or a machette.

One of the most efficient murder sprees this century was accomplished NOT
with guns, but with machettes.

Madmen in Rwanda murdered almost one million people in under four months.

If only Thomas Glenn Terry had been there.
(c) 1999 Ann Coulter


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited October 20, 1999).]
Well, if Thomas Glenn Terry had done his good deed in the great state of NY, he would probably end up in jail, condemned as a vigilante. His family would no doubt be sued by the families of the deceased perps. The city would be sued for allowing him to have a gun. The gun's manufacturer would be sued for producing the gun. The dealer he purchased it from would no doubt be sued. The ammunition manufacturer would also be sued. The city would sue all of the above for the cost of the cleanup and medical services (or mortuary services). The NRA would be vilified, and Charlton Heston mocked. 37 bills would be introduced into the state Assembly and Senate by democrats wanting to confiscate guns. Chuckie Schumer and his squeeze Carolyn McCarthy would be on TV every night for a month telling us how they will save us from "evil" guns. And Dan Blather would have a TV special on vigilantes.

Alabama, Hmmm,,, maybe I should move!

Geoff Ross

Damn!...I need more practice!
Pi$$ off the left, register to vote.
Yeah, it's stories like this that make me glad I'm armed. I don't want to die like sheeple, I want to have a fighting chance to live.

One of my wifes female co-workers was just mugged the other day. She was described to me as a short, slender type of gal. A man followed her into an alley and beat her with something. First he hit her behind the knee, laying her down on the ground. Then kept at it, even though she was complying. Gave him her watch, jewlery, purse. She realizes she was lucky. I'm going to offer through my wife to help her look at guns and get training if she has any interest. Although my advice would be to not bother unless she can make a committement to training with it.

My wife might have faired slightly better, she does have pepper spray. But I would rather she had some small handgun. I've rubbed my eyes (accidently) after chopping HOT peppers before. While painful I could still function, and would be pretty pissed if someone did that to me.

My wife and I will be going to the range together soon. She has still not fired either of my handguns. I want her to at least know how to operate the things safely and be able to load and un-load them properly.

Peace through superior firepower...

If the 2nd is antiquated, what will happen to the rest.
"the right to keep and bear arms."