More crap is coming for California !


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When will it stop......I just remembered, when they have all of our guns!


Let voters decide if all gun owners need licenses

Scott Winokur
EXAMINER COLUMNIST Tuesday, November 16, 1999


COMMENTS made on the Internet by the gun nuts out there are so visceral, so embedded in the cruder, crustier values of a bygone era, they rise to the level of entertainment.

We read that:

"Gun control means being able to put more than one shot in the same place!"

"Adolf Hitler advocated gun confiscation."

"Our gun control-oriented governor, Gray Davis, is a "commie pinko."

"Gun lovers have to "fight like lions"to fend off "power-hungry legislators."

"State Sen. Don Perata, D-Oakland, as strong a proponent of gun control as there is in the nation, intends to "step"on "our constitutional rights ... big time."

I see why they're in a lather over Perata -- the man is dangerous to their obscene cause. Perata has been targeting gun owners since he served on the Alameda County Board of Supervisors.

Earlier this year, he succeeded in pushing through a ban on the manufacture and sale of assault weapons, a measure he'd carried for several legislative sessions. The new law, long opposed by the National Rifle Association, takes effect Jan. 1.

"NRA defeated Don Perata's AB/SB23 legislation 3 years in a row,"one of the gun nuts wailed. "It took the most anti-gun governor and legislature in California history to push it through."

But as the king says in Shakespeare's "King Lear":

The worst is not,

So long as we can say,

"This is the worst."

Now big bad Perata has something even more horrific in store for the pistol-packin' goofballs of California: A total licensing of handgun ownership, making the possession of a handgun no different, from a regulatory standpoint, than the use of a car.

This sounds entirely reasonable -- indeed, a logical and obvious step. Of course, the gun nuts are righteously indignant and absolutely aghast. So aghast, in fact, that they saw fit to do no more than quote what they viewed as particularly foul-smelling passages from a letter Perata sent to other legislators Sept. 29 inviting them to co-author a licensing bill.

The measure "would require demonstrated knowledge and proficiency as a prerequisite to purchasing a handgun."

It would require "accountability as a condition of ownership."

It would require "proficiency in safe storage and use of a weapon, knowledge of law governing possession and use of guns, and an extensive background check ... "

This is all very, very bad, the triggerheads say.

Perata's spokesman, Mark Capitolo, told me that while the senator already has nearly a dozen co-authors of his new bill (it doesn't have a number yet), its likelihood of enactment soon doesn't look good.

The governor has said he wants authorities to digest the recent spate of related bills already enacted before signing any new gun-control bills into law.

"Don understands that, but he was disappointed because it sent a message to the Legislature that nothing more significant on gun control would be signed into law this session,"Capitolo said.

"So now we've turned to this idea of possibly backing an initiative on the November 2000 ballot. It would take a coalition of people and about 400,000 to 500,000 signatures."

Perata said he may chose to pursue the initiative option rather than even attempt to get another law -- a big one -- enacted.

"There's a constituency out there that is ahead of the Legislature on this issue and we may want to tap into it,"the senator said. "It's the League of Women voters, the PTA, the clergy, the medical community."

But half a million valid signatures requires about one million in all to be gathered, allowing for disqualifications, and Perata fears the task of getting that done by the May 1 deadline may be too great.

A decision will be made in the next few weeks about which route to take, he said.

Perata doesn't oppose the purported right to bear arms, by the way. In fact, he's had a concealed weapons permit from Alameda County for a number of years.

"It basically arose from the number and severity of the death threats he was getting as a result of carrying gun-control legislation,"Capitolo said.

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©1999 San Francisco Examiner
Winokur is another bigot ... a gun bigot. Listen to the words he uses to describe the people on this forum - TFL members who include doctors, law enforcement officers, blue collar workers, computer specialists, military officers, CPA's, business men and women, farmers and every other respectable member of our society who owns guns and believes in the RKBA. People who believe they will always have a right of self defense. Consider his words carefully.

He calls us 'gun nuts', 'pistol-packin goofballs', and 'triggerheads'. He refers to our values as 'cruder, crustier values of a bygone era'. Scott Winokur, you are a bigoted bas**rd, and there can be no compromise with minds like yours. Or Perata's. After offending us over and over with language more suited to a high school freshman, you then tell us to believe that Perata 'doesn't oppose the purported right to bear arms'.

Winokur, you are not only a foul-mouthed writer, but you apparently believe we are as foolish as you. You are an excellent example of why this war must never be lost.

[This message has been edited by Jeff Thomas (edited November 19, 1999).]
I live in the Bay Area and sent a letter to the editor in response to this column. I doubt that they'll publish it, but the column was too insulting NOT to respond to.

As follows...


Scott Winokur's Tuesday column (Let voters decide if all
gun owners need licenses) was a disgrace to your newspaper
by even the most relaxed standards of fairness and journalistic

Mr. Winokur's column was shrill, insulting and vituperative.

I have owned and used firearms for over 35 years. I have done
this safely and always in compliance with ever more intrusive

Mr. Winokur feels free to refer to me as a "triggerhead." To
him I ask, why do you insult me? What harm have I caused to you
or your loved ones?

It is acknowledged that Mr. Perata feels the need to carry a
concealed weapon and can, in fact, legally do so. To him I ask
from whom do you seek to protect yourself? From me? Or criminals?
Mr. Perata has a license from the state to be a "pistol-packin'

I'm not a "goofball." Where are my rights?

Cliff Craner
BenDover, your name is so appropriate after that title.

What people need to remember, (and I credit DC because I read this in her post), is that:

Cars were licensed for one purpose: Taxes.
It has nothing to do with cars or guns, it was just a way for them to keep track that you payed the taxes. You only need to register your car if you drive on public roads. If I drive on my land, I am not using public roads, and I don't need to pay taxes to pay for those roads, so I don't have to register my car and get "tags" proving I did.

Licensing drivers is the same. Licensing a driver gives the public proof that the driver is comprtent and not a public threat on the roads. If a person wants to drive on their own land, they do not need a drivers license....just like if I want to buy a gun and have it on my land (the only legal place you can have it in California), then there is no need for me to have a gun license!!!

So, registering cars and drivers has NOTHING to do with guns (as if it did anyway).

The only way that a correlation can be made between registering cars and drivers and guns, if if they want to test me to make sure I am proficient with the laws and use of my guns SO THAT I CAN CARRY MY GUNS IN PUBLIC.

Just like registering drivers, which is only needed if the car and driver and used on public land, the only reason they could possibly argue to register my gun and license me as a user if if they are going to allow me to carry that gun in public, such as with our tremendously successful CCW programs in other States. This licenseing would ensure that I know the laws and that I can use the gun proficiently, and then I can carry said gun in public for my protection (since the Police are legally NOT responsible for my protection, and usually show up after the crime is over anyway, just to take a report, meanwhile the victim is dead)

Ps- They already require a handgun license in many SoCal cities in order to buy a gun, so this does not come as much of a shock to me. Gun locks are mandatory to be sold with guns and a test and license must be obtained before a gun can be bought. I have no doubt that this will be law throughout Kalifornia eventually.

[This message has been edited by Red Bull (edited November 20, 1999).]
When Kalifornication STOPS being the HUGE pain in the backside - THATS when I will be very worried.

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Are you guys talking about the same Don "I've got my ccw, you dont" Perata? Or the Don "soft on crime" Perata? If the answer is yes to all then I understand.
Come on, guys, that's not fair. Of course Perata doesn't oppose the RKBA.

Just like Jesse Jackson doesn't oppose the right to be free from invasive searches (esp. financial digging.)

Just like Bill Clinton agrees with those of us who say sexual harassment law has become grotesquely overextended in America.

None of these people oppose these rights or ideals; they just oppose allowing them to YOU and ME. As long as you only apply these rights to them, it's OK.


"Its not criminals that go into schools and shoot children"
--Ann Pearston, British Gun Control apologist and moron
The right to license is the right to revoke,
let alone the fact that they've turned a right into a privilege.

Your hunting, driver's, professional license, etc. can be yanked if you don't pay alimony -- the "deadbeat dad" routine. You can bet that gun licenses will be added, then they will find other "noble" reasons to pull the same stunt.

But . . . "we're not against gun ownership" (although they are getting more blatant in that hypocrisy, now that Willie's term is nearing an end).

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
I found this particularly enlightening and complimentary to us "triggerheads":
<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>so embedded in the cruder, crustier values of a bygone era...[/quote]

Now what era is he talking about?

The era where a man's handshake and word were more binding than a piece of paper?

The era where morality and ethics where a normal part of life?

The era where justice was served?

The era where men were really men?

The era where people were responsible?

The era where people did more than pay lip-service to a cause they believed in?

If this is the era he's talking about, then by-gum! I'm guilty! (or at least want to be...)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
John/az is dead on, as usual. There is no such thing as a licensed right. Driving is not a right. It is a privilege.

Imagine what would happen if the USAG informed CNN or the New York Times they would have to become licensed to express free speech or if Billy Graham was told he would have to obtain a license to Preach the Word or if YOU were told you would have to go through testing and obtain a license to be able to require the police to have a search warrant or if YOU had to be licensed to invoke the fifth amendment. The second that we concede gun ownership needs to be licensed, it's all over but the crying.

I am against ANY form of licensing enumerated rights. The only license I need to carry a gun is to maintain my status as a law-abiding citizen. I do not carry at this time and may not ever since I am not in love with the idea of being put on a list even though my State of residence is thankfully, pro-gun.

How about waiting periods for Due Process, Right of Search and Seizure, the printing of a news article or to hold a Christ-centered Worship service? That's what will happen if we let them start out with the Second Amendment on a nationalized basis.

The liberal, leftist front has stooped down to a character assasination on those of us who defend the RKBA. They suggest that we are all "Bubba's". This is more than a debate on gun ownership. It is a struggle to maintain the basic God-endowed rights that our Founding Fathers acknowledged in the Constitution. It's high time that we identified this struggle by it's true identity--------the fight to keep big government from destroying our freedoms.

"When guns are outlawed;I will be an outlaw."
Indeed ... this is a struggle for civil rights, and we should never let them forget it.

Fight the gun bigots, stand for your civil rights, and identify the anti-self defense movement for what it truly is - liberal pacifists that want to strip Americans of an ancient and critical freedom.
The battle is already lost, only a fool can not see it. We have already slide too far down the slippery slope. It is time to water the tree of liberty. Let the jehad begin.