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OK. So, its my first day CCW. I have a kydex tuckable IWB from

1) Having a bit of a problem with the fact that the holster is not really supported by my belt. It seems to me that the whole thing might work a little better if it was supported by a belt. Opinions/advice?

2) I'm a skinny guy. I'm being very serious here. I don't think you guys understand. I'm 165, 5'10, and I work out all the time so all that there is to me is muscle, skin, and bone. THAT'S IT. ZERO fat for padding.

Wearing the holster on my right hip is fairly uncomfortable 'cause its right on top of my hip bone. I have NO padding between my hip and the gun. (Except for a few layers of skin) Would this be any better with leather?

I've tried slightly different positions (shifting forward/back an inch or two.) but doesn't seem to help.

3) Where do you guys wear? Front (appendix), hip? Where?

4) Is it possible I'm just having "teething pains"; I just need time to get used to it?

Any other advice appreciated.

Since you said its your first day CCW I'm guessing you haven't worked much with your rig of choice.
1) Try to place the gun in the hollow just behind the point of your hip. Also try to place the clip as close as posible to a belt loop.
2) The Fist tuckable rig works best with trouserers with a propper waistband supported by a good belt. No sweats or running shorts.
3) Wear a T-shirt between the Holster/gun and your skin. It makes it more comfortable and reduces chafege.
4) RELAX no one is staring at you or your gun. The vast majority of people are so wraped up in there own little world that you would have to pull your piece wave it around and scream at the top of your lungs "I HAVE A GUN" before anyone would take notice.
5) How to put this? I am not an LEO but I am frequently mistaken for one. Thats because of how I carry myself not because of how I carry my gun. If you carry act like you have been doing it for years.
6) As Clint Smith says "a gun is suposed to be comforting not comfortable"
I shoot and train with a couple of really skinny guys, so skinny we tease 'em about having to shop in the boys dept. to find pants that fit. With no gut to get in the way they both have the luxury of appendix carry. So this may be an option for you to consider.
what tommygun said, good advice.

i had a few fist holsters, didn't care for any of them. other better options out there. and for kydex it's hard to beat sidearmor, it's like a second skin. on the pricey side though. comptac is thicker and not as contoured but works, is cheaper/quicker delivery and greg is an exc guy to deal with.

i've found leather to be the most comfortable iwb as it's soft and plyable. that said, i hate iwb and carry a .38 in my pocket. when cooler weather permits i carry an auto owb.

i spent alot of money on alot of holsters to figure this out. good luck whatever you choose.
Yeah, what tommygun said. an undershirt between your gun and skin is a must in my book too.

I've always used holsters with a cant, the straight ones just dont feel right to me.

Sounds like you're just having teething pains like you said. I did too at first but it'll pass. Soon you'll feel nekkid without it! I found that cinching up my belt to support the 40 oz pistol did good but stretches the belt a little to the point that if'n I dont put on my gun, my pants are loose! Woops!

No right answers and no wrong answers concerning this issue, unless its right or wrong to you speciffically. Try everything you can till you find what suits you.

(Bears repeating)...RELAX. Everyone is not staring at you. I was self concious for awhile and you will be too, probably everyone is at first.

Be careful sitting down so you dont clunk, and watch them walls. Bending over to pick stuff up may require a different technique than your used too so your tail dont ride up and expose it.