More black powder

How many black powder (front stuffers, newfangled breech loading thangs... whether cowboy action, historical reenactors, plain old shooters, firearms masochists generally) are out there? Lacking a forum of our own p'raps we can post here...

Peter Knight (aka "El Chimango Pete" - notorious bandolero in Argentina)
Howdy ElChimango,
I don't know if I really could be counted as a black powder *shooter*. But currently I own,

A pair of nickled repro. Colt 1851 Navies in .44 with white pearl grips.

Another nickled 1851 engraved with rose wood grips.

An 1860 Army b/cc with beautiful walnut grips.

A .50 caliber Hawkins percussion with boring hardwood stock and full brass trim.

A .69 caliber Harpers Ferry flint lock with the most beautiful dark full fiddle back walnut stock I've ever seen.

All are unfired. :(. Reason being I'm just too lazy to do the proper cleaning afterwords.
I do have a pair of consequetive 1851 Navies in the correct .36 caliber that I used to fire practically daily. I've owned them since 1970 and picking them up is like shaking hands with an old friend. But I'm too busy any more to shoot them. I still love the old black powder guns and even though I don't actually look for them they will continue to "follow me home" when I see one I can't live with out. Talking about them isn't quite as much fun as shootin' 'em but clean up sure is a lot faster. :D. I like the thread.

Like Gunslinger, I haven't shot BP in a long time. In my safe though are a CVA Hawken, old repro 1851 Navy and repro 1860 Remington. Also have an original 1873 rifle with octagonal barrel, 1871 Lightening and an Acme brand cutdown mule ear double barrel 12 ga. I think I might have something else in there but I can't remember right now.
Are there any other kinds of guns? :) Around here I know more than a few people who will not hunt with anything else. Most of them use muzzleloading shotguns not longrifles, believe it or not. I have seen everything from bear and deer to turkeys and quail killed with them. The most popular game though is squirrel. Yeah we're not exactly yuppies out here! Take Care.
Howdy, been away fer a while, but i got bunches of TD's in .45 & 50-70, a stinkin
Remi RB in 11.7X51 Danish, and a .50 Smith Carbine if they count.

Trapdoor Billy
Indian Scout and Delaware Cowboy
You know Elchimango this thread got me to thinking now I really *need* a pair of dueling pistols. Not to shoot mind you, just to case up pretty and look at. Dang I wish you wouldn't have gotten me to thinking about black powder again. :D
Don't know if I qualify as a black powder guy, but I have a M1816 Harpers Ferry, a Belgian copy of same, two Model 1836 pistols, two Model 1842 pistols, two Model 1860 Colts, a Model 1858 Remington, two Model 1851 Colts, four Model 1849 Colts, an early (1888) .44-40 Model 1873 Colt, an 1878 Colt, a Trenton rifle musket, an 1853 Enfield and a few more I'll remember later. I also have quite a few reproductions. I shoot most of these from time to time, figuring that they were made to be shot.

Too long Gunslinger, jist getting back from my last post. Dang work sucks, but gotta pay the bills :). Did get to the range to ring out that Danish Remi I mentioned, had not shot it, boy does she shoot. Getting ready for a 2.5 dayer in NC, gonna take the Roller
for long range. Might have some explaining to do though with a name like Trapdoor Billy.

Trapdoor Billy
Indian Scout and Delaware Cowboy
Don't worry about not gettin' by this way too often. Like they say in those Motel 6 commercials "We'll keep the light on for ya."
Don't let those fellers in NC josh ya too much about the roller. From what I've read on another discussion group you've got enough of those ol' trapdoors to equip a small regiment. If the feds keep legislatin' out all of our other guns that may become necessary.


We live in a time in which attitudes and deeds once respected as courageous and honorable are now scorned as being antiquated and subversive.
Gunslinger - Wife says I gotta take 1 to keep up the image, you know for pictures and all that silleyness. So I'm gonna take a Carbine, hope I don't forget the ammo. Now as to the roller, I usually just measure by volume on these old things, but I was so impressed with the 11.7 that I weighed out 50 of the dang things, woulda done more but ran out of cases. Hope it helps.

Trapdoor Billy
Indian Scout and Delaware Cowboy

Don't know how I missed this thread but I'll chime in now.

I got me one of them there newfangled breech loading thangs. Saw a guy down in Aussyland shot one and had to gat me un. Made by a company call Shiloh out west younder. They call the rifle "Long Range Express" but I'm still poundering an accruate load for the huge .45-110 case.

Schmit, GySgt, USMC(Ret)
NRA Life, Lodge 1201-UOSSS
"Si vis Pacem Para Bellum"
If any of you shootist are from the Mid Mich area, drop me a message. Just getting into the cowboy shooting aspect. I've been a BP shooter since 72, still got the gumption and keen eye, can probably even come up with the guns necessary.
I'm busy working on a flintlock (early Golden Era Lancaster) right now (which explains why there are fewer posts from me). Took me 2 hours to fit two pipes/thimbles tonight. Finished fitting the buttplate earlier this week. Other work already done was inletting the lock, barrel & tang, trigger, partial inletting of the trigger guard, fitting tang to barrel and prepping barrel to accept pins. Lotsa filing to remove casting marks from trigger guard and buttplate. Some shaping done to the stock too.

Must have over 70 hours into the project so far and a lot more to go. While it's fun and even theraputic (for me), I confess that I would starve to death or spend time in Debtor's Prison if I was trying to make it as a gunsmith in 1700-1800s.

Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt
I caught the BP bug last year and so far have two Italian replicas, an 1858 Remington .36 and an 1863 Colt .36. I love them both and shoot them about once a month with our local BP club. I would've gotten a rifle already, but I haven't made up my mind what I want. I'm Leaning towards going into BP cartridge shooting now.

Hi Tim,

Don't discount a BP rifled musket. Right now, I'm thinking of the 2 band Enfield rifle (same as the 60th King's Royal Rifle Corps carried) or (sorry Bellicose Bill) a .58 cal. Colt. If you ever want to, you can also get into those (un)Civil War reenactors groups since you've already got the right revolvers. I'm a bit reluctant to go BP cartridge (though I have an original 45-70 Trapdoor) because of the cleaning required. No reloading equipment required except for the ramrod. Being lazy, I find the simpler the mechanism, the easier it is to clean (then why do I spend 1 hour on a AR instead of a quick run through with a bolt gun?).


Vigilantibus et non dormientibus jura subveniunt