More ACLU hypocrasy..


Moderator Emeritus

<BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>In the 1960s, conservatives chastised liberals for inciting
soldiers to disobey orders -- and civilians to burn draft
cards, get themselves arrested for civil disobedience, or
flee to Canada. These days, consistent with its
"transition from neutral defender of civil liberties
principles to liberal political partisan," ACLU and its
backers oppose the election or appointment of
conservative candidates for legislative, executive, and
judicial offices.

In the recent Clinton impeachment proceedings, ACLU
did not apply the same standards to perjury that it
applied in 1974 to President Nixon's non-perjurious lies.
Although ACLU now supports the affirmative action
recruitment into the armed forces of underprivileged
ethnic minorities, it does not lobby for increases in their
low pay. ACLU no longer reaches out to defend
patriotic soldiers who refuse to commit war crimes.

Also, ACLU now takes a difference stance on war
crimes than it took in the Levy case. On April 28, 1999,
ACLU issued a press release stating:

The military action in Kosovo ordered by
President Clinton violates the Constitution and the
War Powers Resolution because it was not
authorized by Congress ... [but] the ACLU takes
no position on the merits of the use of force in

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
DC, my Latin is a little rusty. What's your signature mean?

The ACLU is a joke. Its not too hard to see through the sham. They forced a small town in Kansas to take the 10 commandments down from the lawn in front of city hall some time ago.
Problem is, they don't have the guts to get those same commandments taken down from the Supreme Court building, where they are etched in stone. If they really believed it was a matter of Constitutional importance, they would have STARTED with the Supreme Court. No, its easier to bully a small town with lawsuits than the big boys. Gutless pukes.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper

from Decimus Junius Juvenal
(AD 60-130) a Roman satirist.

In his work Omnia Romae ("Predicting Rome") Juvenal was
concerned with the direction Rome (the Empire and concept) was
turning longer a true Republic, only in name;the increasing
division and separation of the 2 Romes (the citizenry and the Imperial
gov't); the pacifying of the citizens with games and free stuff, the
increasing regulations with accompanying loss of citizenship rights
and freedoms, citizenry apathy numbed by the State provided
excesses,etc. In this work he likens the Roman Republic to an over
protected and indulged wife:

'Pone seram, cohibe. Sed quis custodiet ipsos Custodes? Cauta est
et ab illis incipit uxor.'.....Bolt her in, keep her indoors. But who
shall guard the Guards themselves? Your wife arranges
accordingly and begins with them." She would adjust to her "new life of protection", the guards would take advantage and abuse their role and she'd accept that as natural.

There are identical parallels to today, and Juvenal felt the same
things (worries and emotions) about his Rome as we do about our

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes"
Interesting. Reminds me of one of Jeff Coopers commentaries where he quoted a modern historian. To paraphrase:

The Roman Empire gradually corrupted its institutions and weakened the military simultaneously. The result was a general apathy on the part of the people coupled with military weakness. You know how that one turned out.

"Put a rifle in the hands of a Subject, and he immediately becomes a Citizen." -- Jeff Cooper