More about Russia and their laws

Oleg Volk

Staff Alumnus
I called my friend again to verify his earlier comment. He's been expempted from the draft because of a stomach ulcer and, for the same reason, has been prohibited from owning guns or driving a car! Apparently, any Russkie except for those more equal than others has to go to a medical commission (women, too) as a pre-requisite for getting a driver license or a gun license.

Had he been judged fit to own arms, his choice would have been shotguns or, if he worked as a security guard, "civilianized" Makarov pistol (9x16 cartridge with low muzzle velocity and numerous reliability problems caused by poor design of the modified gun).

Lovely, eh? Next time someone proposes licensing or competence testing, just tell them to pack up and go to Russia. They have already implemented the bright idea.
