Moose, wolves, and yote dogs!!!!!


Went moose hunting today hoping to get lucky since the late season only opened for a few days. Well when we got out and about we ran into a game warden (trooper) who was helping to clean a poached moose for charity :mad:. He asked us if we seen the wolves, we said no, he said "no???". It seems he'd seen 17 a little ways back on the same road, and the area was over run with them!!! He said "go shoot 'em, this area has WAY too many."He also said that he had seen 5 coyotes that same morning."nuff said" and we were on our way. It was the best looking farm country we'd found in a while, and were kinda surprised we hadn't seen a fox or coyote yet. We hadn't been calling though, cuz we were moose hunting while it was early. After about half an hour tyler spotted a yote standing beside a small rise in a field. It was only about 50 yrds, and a car was passing, and by the time it got by the dog had ran out to about 250 yards. Tyler had the 22-250, and shot and missed, shot again and missed, by this time another one had ran out from behind the hill and headed across the field. I squeeked my call and got them both to stop, one was at about 350, and my pa missed a shot at it, but it was trotting. The one I saw was at about 300 yards, and running. I was able to stop it with my call, he looked back, so I got steady over the hood and right before I shot he turned and started to walk, I missed, and was able to stop him from an all out run AGAIN (obviosly VERY uneducated dogs, not young though, they were BIG) I shot at him standing and missed:( All in all 5 shots fired, no dogs. I was shooting my 375, because we were out hunting moose, not dogs, and though one "light" rifle would be enough. Our Mistake. Tomorrow we're going to be out there at sun-up, with our 6mm, .245, and 22-250 (one for each of us) and probably my moose gun. I was looking at a chart in petersons that says at 300 yards my bullets should be dropping about 11 inches, but It's not a varmint gun, and I was a little uneasy about shooting there. Oh well, chalk one up for experience and we'll see if we can get some tomorrow.:D
I was out yesterday and all I seen was a couple of cows. We seen quite abit wolf tracks. I was hoping one would come loping in but no luck.
No, not canada, we live in Anchorage, it was in what I can only describe as "a spot" about 4 hours from here:D

Went out again today. We were there at first light checking over the gutpile and ramains of the moose kill. No dogs, but alot of tracks around it. Alot of magpies and ravens too. We called the area, nothing. Drove around and did some morning road hunting, and some calling sets. Probably 6 or 7 sets all together, but didn't call in anything but birds. I spotted 3 moose, scoped them, and it was a cow and two half grown calves. About an hour later we saw another cow and her two calves. One of the calves was definatly a bull. He was almost as big as his mother and had a big head and a large hump-back like many bulls do. He was much bigger than the other calf. That's about it. We could only hunt the morning because we hunted all day yesterday and had some stuff we needed to get done this weekend. Plan on going out there again next weekend, but moose season will be over, we'll just be looking for dogs.