Moose, moose, and more moose!!!


So We decide to go hunting for some small game today. I live in anchorage AK, and the closest place to small game hunt is the army post, Fort Richardson. So we go out there, you can only hunt with shotguns, and only hunt small game, and we sign in. (you have to sign in at the guard shack, and findout where they may be excersizing/bombing/live fire that day so that you don't get killed.) So in the guest book we see the names above ours, and under "activity" they put "moose."!!!!!

We asked the guard if moose was open and he didn't know. (typical grunt intelligence:D:D) We checked the regs and found out that there is a one month late moose season for muzzleloader, and it was a draw hunt, they only let like 15 a year, which means about 5 moose are taken. Plus, this area is a 3 or more brow tine, or 50 inch or greater spread. OR you can harvest spike/fork moose. (crazy ehh??)

So off we go. We shot at a couple birds, missed. Pretty soon my brother spots a moose. It's not a big thing, because we see them all the time, but this is a bull, so we stop to glass it. This one is huge. Three browtines on one side, and two on the other, prolly about 55". Then about 20 yards from that one I spot another. THIS ONE IS A BULL TOO!!! And it's just as big. They were only about 100yards, easy shot distance for something the size of a truck!! We glass them for about 5 minutes and head down the road.

About 15 minutes Tyler spots another, a cow, But once again, it's with a bull!!! This one we could tell was a medium sizer. Probably about 30" spread, and medium palms. We Glass it and realize, that it's right antler is deformed (or broken) and is a fork!!! This is a legal bull too!!!! Where are all the damned hunters when you need them???? This one was about 60 yards, and we glassed it till it walked into the brush, not at all spooked.

We drive around, and find nothing, but spot a coyote that runs into the brush. When driving I spotted something odd and kinda red sticking out of the snow about 8 inches. I thought they were ribs or something, and went back to look. As soon as I saw them, I knew they were antlers. It was a medium sized shed antler from this year, with just two tines sticking above the snow. It is probably from about a 30" spread of moose, but very neat, and heavy, so we kept it, to go with the other's we've found:)

On the way home we spotted another cow walking along the side of the highway. 5 moose in one day, and 3 were legal bulls!!!! How come we hunt all season and can't find one, and find 3 right by the road in about 1/2 hour?????

As we drove around the base hunting we didn't see anybody else hunting. If we saw a moose hunter we were gonna lead them back to where we saw them. There was about 7 inches of snow, and would have been easy to track them. Moose just mosey around eating, and if not spooked are easy to walk up to and track.

So anyways, that was my adventure. If any of our 7000+ membes have a late-season muzzleloader permit for fort rich (this is a long stretch isn't it??) lemme know and we'll go kill one of those:D
Ain't that always the way? When you're restricted from some particular sort of hunting, that's when you see the most of that critter.

I had killed a couple of nice bucks, one year, and decided to make one last late-season hunt for javelina and turkey. While sitting in a tree-stand about half asleep, not particulary excited about either pigs or birds, I looked off about 100 yards and saw three of the biggest bucks I had ever, ever seen on that ranch! I mean, serious, double throw-down braggin' bucks!

Ah, temptation! But I kept Satan behind me, and stayed with my legal limit of two bucks.

Wasn't easy...

:), Art
Game Warden: Whatcha got there??

Art: I gots me a couple-o-javelinas.

Game Warden: Can't say as I've ever seen any ten point Javelinas, boy!!:D:D

I know how it feels, I wanted to go out there and count coup by slappin' one on his ass!! but it was early, and likely we'd still find some birds, so I didn't waste the time.