Moore & Harris 12 ga. muzzle-loading shotgun


I am a new member of The Firing Line.
I have been a gun enthusiast my whole life, new gun and old, I enjoy collecting and shooting all of them.
Among my collection;
Late 1930's model 52 .22 target rifle, heavy bull barrel and 20 power Fecker scope.
2 Remington 03A3 rifles
Model 97 Winchester 12 gauge
And the newest and most interesting is a Moore and Harris 12 gauge muzzle-loading double barrel shotgun.
This shotgun was given to my father when he was a teenager and just recently passed on to me.
My father used to hunt with it and I am interested in doing the same.
Any suggestions and or comments?
The gun appears to be in excellent condition, zero rust, no cracks in the stock, inside of the Damascus barrels are in great condition.

I would appreciate any feedback,

Thank you,
Welcome to the forum. You will find some really knowledgeable people here. I cant help you with your firearm, but I'm sure someone will be along who can.

The only thing I can suggest is to use the search function and learn about Damascas barrels. There is a fairly heated debate if any Damascus barreled gun should be fired. Some say never fire them while others shoot them. There is a lot to read and learn about the subject. I dont have a dog in that fight so I'm no help.
Granpa would want you to hag it up !!!

As noted, you will have to do some homework on this one and likely take it to a smith.. There are some Damascus barrels that can be shot but most should not. There are some old barrels that have a Damascus barreled "finish" and are solid steel. One primary test you can do is to suspend just the barrel and tape it with a mallet and you don't want to hear any chatter or anything other than a "ringing" sound. You can even get it X-Rayed. Lets say that after all this, you find that it is shootable. I would shoot a light load and hang it up. Ask yourself if it's worth the effort. Back when I was dumber than a Day-Old Boot, I shot one using the scientific tire jig. Shot fine and proved nothing. ….. :confused:

Welcome aboard and;
Be Safe !!!
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I forgot about this one.

This is what Pahoo was referencing.

EDIT: Now that I think this through, your muzzle loader is probably configured differently than the video. Though you may be able to accomplish the same thing.
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Measure twice, cut once !!!

This is what Pahoo was referencing.
Pahoo didn't read the category and now have to take back my previous reply. It is likely that it is a true Damascus and would now recommend that ya just hang it up. Oh, you can load down but misinformation is just that. ….. ;)

Be Safe !!!