Money Well Spent


New member
I hear many people complain about what a waste it was to spend $45 million to pursue the presidential sex scandal. What they don't realize is that it was NOT about sex, but about the misuse of power and purjury. But even though the president's impeachment was not completed, there have been benifits from this whole process that some have called a witch-hunt. The following article will explain:


Rod D. Martin, 21 February 1999

The bad news is that the battle lines are now clearly drawn. The
good news is that the battle lines are now clearly drawn.

The Senate's resounding affirmation of our felon-President brings
us to a new chapter in American history. There are no two ways
about it; on this point one cannot be over-dramatic. The Rubicon
has been crossed. The only remaining question is how we welcome
Caesar once he arrives.

Now this is not to say that Bill Clinton is Caesar; not at all.
It is not to say that he seeks to establish a dictatorship or
anything of the sort.

It is simply to say that, now that an actual majority of our
leaders, including every Senator of the minority party, are
willing to trade the Rule of Law for craven political advantage,
and now that the media elites and those among the people who
follow them are content to abet such debasement, the Republic is
at the mercy of any ambitious man who happens along.

Can anyone realistically doubt this? Property taxes already make
us serfs in our own homes. Income taxes already require more of
our produce than did feudal levies. The number of armed federal
police agencies grows seemingly by the day, while the number of
federal and state gun control laws increases at a similar pace.
Every day more power accrues to Washington, and the only thing
holding back tyranny is the benevolence of the rulers we select.

Assume the best of Clinton: can you trust the next President --
can you trust every imaginable future President -- to be so
benevolent, now that it is clear a high approval rating allows
every crime to go unpunished, perhaps even unreported?

This is now the witching hour. The acquittal is a benchmark, the
point at which men supposedly of honor finally, irrevocably
abandoned their oaths. That benchmark is the defining moment of
the new American reality: from that point forward, one either
stands openly for justice and for liberty, or openly for
privilege and dishonor.

Yet despite everything, it is precisely this which ought give us
hope, hope for lasting renewal. Ever since America's "Cultural
Revolution" in the sixties, men like Bill Clinton, women like
Patty Ireland, have masked their disease of dishonor and
depravity behind high-sounding rhetoric they can no longer
credibly maintain. They brought us socialism in the name of
compassion, political correctness in the name of free speech,
censorship of religion in the name of the First Amendment. They
taught men and women to abuse each other in the name of
liberation, and minorities to be dependent in the name of
"Affirmative Action". They made the schools into union
playgrounds in the name of higher-order thinking, and murder into
an industry in the name of a woman's "choice".

And as their selfish promiscuity spread like their herpes, they
destroyed half our families, compromised our churches, ruined our
schools, tainted our media, corrupted our universities, burned
down our inner-cities, addicted our children, and withered
everything they touched. And everything they did, they did in
the name of some higher cause, and millions followed them down to

Yet now the façade is gone. The Alec Baldwins have spoken,
saying as he did on Conan O'Brian in December that they prefer an
America in which the children of political opponents are dragged
from their houses and killed. The Patty Irelands have spoken,
saying that sexual harassment doesn't matter if the criminal is a
Democrat. The Robert Byrds have spoken, saying that Democratic
felonies are maddening, but not impeachable. The network news
bureaus have spoken, saying that a Matt Drudge -- with a
near-perfect accuracy rate -- is not credible, but that Larry
Flynt, First Pornographer, is. They have all taken their
stand. They are all out in the open. Every one.

And standing opposed to them, a small army, from James Dobson to
Asa Hutchinson, are on the record for truth and justice and the
integrity of the Republic.

Appropriately enough in A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens wrote "It
was the best of times, it was the worst of times." So it is
today. We will save our nation by knowing who we are, by
standing on principle, by endlessly drawing the contrast with our
opponents, and by submitting ourselves to the God who gave us our
nation in the first place. Apart from that, our nation will be
lost. The hour of truth is here, the task is daunting, and the
margin for error is nil. And yet for all of that, we rendezvous
today with destiny, as we yet again commit ourselves to seeing
"that this nation, under God, shall have a new birth of freedom;
and that government of the people, by the people, for the people
shall not perish from the earth."

What a time to be alive.

Copyright: Rod D. Martin, 21 February 1999.

-- Rod D. Martin is an attorney and serves as Executive Director
of Eagle Forum of Arkansas.


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"Just because something is popular, does not make it right."
Regarding Martin's central point, I would agree that Billy Jeff has indeed provided a litmus test. I think it is interesting that his supporters don't recognize the tremendous polarization this man has caused in our country. (In my experience, 'true leaders' bring people together to accomplish a goal - they don't turn them into enemies.) However, I agree with Martin and John, that perhaps this is ultimately beneficial.

Ironically, I like that fact that Clinton is bringing dishonor upon the Presidency. Why? Because we have become too enamored of politics and politicians. Old-timers will recall there was a time when people actually would forget the name of the Vice President! We used to live in our society without believing we owed our economic prosperity to some boob in the White House, and we didn't always treat these guys like movie stars.

Also, I believe one factor that has damaged Communism is the free exchange of information. Communism depended upon lies to stay in power. The light of day, along with the underlying economics, helped to bring about its demise (in some areas!).

The light of day is now dawning upon the worst of hypocritical, 'liberal' thought. With due respect to those in our forum who call themselves 'liberals', much 'liberal' thought (IMHO) does not stand up well to common sense and logical examination. Our First Rapist has now provided ample opportunities for all to see the hypocrisy of NOW and many of our 'liberal' Senators and Representatives. However, some among us will choose blindness.

I know that in my own life, it has become nearly impossible to take Clinton supporters seriously. Association with ignorant, hypocritical people has usually been a waste of time or worse, in my experience. Thus, I no longer associate or do business with them. Hard-nosed? You bet. IMHO, they have made their choice, and I have made mine.