Money is no object whats your dream hunt?


New member
I know this is going to sound wierd guy's but here goes.

I want to do a world wide hog slam.
Starting in Africa I'd like to take all four species of wild swine Warthog, Bush Pig, Giant forrest Hog and the Barbay Wild Boar.

Then I'd like to travel to the Siberian Tioga and collect a real life Russian Boar I hear some go over 600lbs. We'll then cross the conteninent and collect a Kieler Boar in Germany or Poland after which it's off to Indonesia to collect one of those wierd looking hogs with the tusks that stick up out of the top of it's nose. I forget what you call them.

Any that I missed in the wild boar catagory please let me know and I'll be sure to add them to my list.

Any financial support for this project can be sent to the H&H hog hunter fund.

Whats your hunting dream/goal?
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About the only thing I'd want to hunt and shoot would be some of the African antelope. For some reason, those spiral horns of the kudu have always been a bit of a turn-on for my hunting instinct.

Otherwise, I'd love to go along for the ride. I get as much fun doing small chores around camp and BSing at a campfire as a lot of the actual kill.

Chousing around, looking at critters, maybe killing "camp meat"...

And camp cooking is some of the best food there ever was!

:), Art
If money truly was no object, I'd go after tiger. (OK, it's banned now, but if I start a museum which needs a specimen, and I spread enough bribes - errrr, I mean campaign contributions around, it'll get done!)

Otherwise, I have a thing about Africa. I'm fortunate, in that I've taken lion, leopard, Cape buff, and some plains game on previous hunts. But if I had the budget, I'd like to go after a big elephant and a rhino, as well as some of the more exotic game like bongo and gerenuk. Since truly big elephant are very, very, hard to come by today, it would have to be a long-duration African safari, on which I would plan to take all the Big 5 and beyond . . .

Considering what's happening in RSA, Zimbabwe, Zambia, and much of the rest of Africa today, soon this won't be possible no matter how much money you have.
How long do you figure it'll be before Zimbabwe is gone? And how long before RSA breaks into the vicious cycle of Civil war that has been so often repeated in Africa. Whats the deal with Zambia? What happened I was looking at hunting there just a short while ago and then zappo it's gone. Hank what do know about the situation in Botswana?

I like to leave tomorrow or the next day unfortunaley it'll be a while.

Double Naught,
I think that a bigfoot skin coat would look cool. I wonder what Yeti tastes like? Probably tastes like chicken.
I'm tempted to say elitest gun grabbers, but you have a right to be wrong in this country.:rolleyes:
I want my dad to come to life one more time so we can go chase the bunnies through the woods, just one last time....
Big five in Africa.

I would bring along a couple of Winchester 95 rifles in .405 Winchester and .30-40 Krag, a big English double rifle .500 Nitro Express, and perhaps a classic English double 16ga shotgun for fowl and small game.
For years and years my old college roommate and I would discuss going polar bear hunting in Greenland. We did a lot of reading about that ice-island. You know there's only about 62k people there, and almost all of them speak only Greenlandic, or maybe also some Norwegian? Look at their main exports: "Agricultural products." Hmmmm what would those be? "1.Reindeer... 5.Polar Bear"

How kewl is THAT?!? We talked about working at a reindeer ranch neer Nuuk (formerly Godsthab), then, after we'd picked up some of the local culture and some krona for spending money (we were, after all, poor college students), we'd head out into the icy tundra in search of the mighty polar bear!

We were considering 12ga shotguns loaded with 1oz slugs at the time, but I've more means at my disposal now, and I'm thinking either a .35Whelen or a .338 Winmag.

Damn, I still wanna go...

Cape buff with a spear. Strange thing is i'm crazy enough to try

That's not crazy at all. The moment I read it I was able to smell the hunt and the blood and feel the rush of adrenaline. Oh, yeah. I may never do it, but now I will be thinking about it :)
Another vote for the african big 5 here.

But since theres no money limit let's put the duration to the rest of my life and add in every other game species I can appy for during that time, travel included! Just one hunt after another, forever....
H&H hunter, it's funny, but you mentioned three of the countries I've hunted! South Africa is a problem - crime is so high, that the rulers have declared the crime rate to be a state secret. Our travel department at work has links to a website that rates cities on a danger scale of 1 to 7, and Johnnesburg rates a 6. (Kabul was the only 7!)
Zimbabwe is in sad shape, and seems to be headed toward famine. Mugabe's thugs are seizing white-owned farms, but are too lazy or ignorant to work the land. Much of the farmland of what used to be southern Africa's breadbasket has been taken out of production. And it's not just white-owned farms that are being seized - white-operated businesses in major cities are being attacked, almost like the Nazis attacked Jewish businesses on Kristallnacht. Problems are spreading, and I'm afraid they'll soon engulf the major hunting & tourist areas. I fear for Zimbabwe's future. I'd say the next 2 years will determine Zimbabwe's course for the next 10. With luck, 77-year old Robert Mugabe won't be around much longer.

Corruption in Zambia related to allocation of hunting areas is allegedly what caused that country to simply shut down hunting. A pity, as when I was there, the safari industry seemed to be healthy, and well on its way back to recovery.

Don't know anything about Botswana, other than it's expensive.
I would love to go to eastern rockies to shoot prairie dog and then use the carcasses to bait coyote. Throw in some pheasant or other upland game bird shooting(I need a nice pump 12 ga shottie for this). Travel up into the rockies for mulie, elk, caribou(gotta get a Win mod70 Classic compact and rebarrel for 7mmWSM or 300WSM). This is followed by a trip to arizona to do some dove shooting(I need a nice SxS 20ga for this).

I would then look to the Plains and find a nice fat antelope, followed by a buffalo(bison) hunt with either a Sharp open hammer in 45-90 black powder or a Rem Rolling block in 45-90.
Thank you sir, It's off to Indonesia for some Babirusa shooting ole boy!

I just happen to be familiar with just such an event. Last year the owner of Cold Steal Mr Lynn Thompson (I think I got the last name spelled correctly) took a very nice Cape Buffalo Bull with one of his spears. I've an aquaintance whose got the pictures I'll see if we can get them posted.

Thank you for your info. I always find it hard to believe that we let Rohdesia fall to that Marxist scum and become what it is today. All in the name of African Racial independance. Never before and never again will there be a more free and well run country anywhere in the whole African contenient as was Rohdesia. Look what they have now!!! Murder ,poverty, political unrest, war, infighiting, tribalism. By golly it's just like it was 200 years ago isn't it? I hope they're enjoying their new found independance.
Near as I can tell about Africa, the idea of Democracy is "One man, one vote, one time." Then, it's "President for life"--and if not, well, the guy with the most gangsters wins. And wins. And wins.


#1 Trophy Elk. A real hunt, not pen raised fenced in TV elk hunting. Hard hunt where you really have to work for it. Way back in deep where you don't see anybody else. Pack in on horses. Stay for a couple weeks. Maybe do a little fishing during the hunt.

#2 Coyote hunting with someone that is really good at it. Someone who has the experience to show me the finer points, the stuff I never thought of. I do it here, but never seem to find the time to do it much.

#3 Trophy Whitetails. Possibly in central Canada. Again, a real hunt, No TV stuff. The big huge ones.