Moment of weakness

I'm not sure my wife would agree. Fortunately, she lost count of how many guns I own a couple years ago. I lost count myself shortly thereafter. So I snuck it in and hid it in the safe. Hopefully by the time she notices, I'll be able to say "Oh, that old thing? I've had that for a while." ;)

Hardball: If you haven't already read it, I strongly suggest that you purchase a copy of Patrick McManus book, "The Grasshopper Trap." A boss of mine (now ex-boss, I left that company a while ago) copied a chapter for me entitled "Gunrunning." Here's an excerpt

Hubert, a young married fellow of my acquaintance, confided in me the other day that he and his wife just had their first quarrel.

"Oh, yeah?" I said. "What about?"

"About practically nothing," he said. "I've been needing a new rifle, so I went out and bought one and took it home to show Joyce. Well, if she didn't hit the ceiling! Mad? Whew! Can you believe it?"

"That was dumb, Hubie," I said. "Risking your marriage over a new gun. I thought you were smarter than that."

"I shouldn't have bought the gun, huh?"

"Of course you should have bought the gun. You needed it didn't you? You just shouldn't have shown the gun to Joyce. Have a little consideration for her feelings, Hubie. Wives have feelings too, you know. The only decent thing for a husband to do is to sneak the new gun into the house. Learn to sneak, man, learn to sneak."


It goes on from there. It's really hilarious.

Well, I guess I'm in good company here. Last night I just "snuck" in a Ruger SS Security Six. My collection needed a good revolver.
The only things I'd be sneaking in would be weapons meant as gifts for the eventual wife. She's got good taste in weapons and a good appetite for them :-)