MOLLE/PALS Gear for Hunting


New member
With all of the MOLLE/PALS gear in use in the military, I'm surprised this hasn't carried over more to hunting. Seems like a great way to get everything on you at all times and not worrying about your pack. . .or for those of you not carrying a pack, that you have everything(tags, gps, dear dragger, binos, knife, etc) everytime you get dropped off.

I found this:
MOLLE Hunting Vest


What have you found? What do you use?

Honestly, right now, I use an orange multi-pocket vest, a bino harness and a backpack. I hate the bino harness.

Also, this looks OK:

Does anybody use something like this? Comments?
Not a bad idea....I actually made something similar from a camo Turkey hunting vest. Too bad they don't offer different camo patterns. Down side is the bulkiness, sort of like carrying your backpack items spread all over the torso.
My inlaws use medium sized backpacks stuffed with everything you could possibly need..............they weight 20-30lbs.

I'm on the opposite end. What ever fits in my jeans/BDU pants goes with, whatever doesn't stays in camp.

I usually only take my knife, 5 rounds of extra ammo, TP, lighter and smokes, a couple snacks, glucagon (I'm diabetic), marking tape, and a bottle of water. I'm hiking several miles a day, and don't need to pack all the extra weight. With what I carry, I can gut my animal and head back camp for the pack frames and extra bodies, or spend I night in the woods if needed, without being to heavy or bulky for comfort.
I carry a backpack which contains all the "stuff" I think I need. Either in the pack or attached to the outside is my fanny pack with "essential" stuff-ammo,knife, tags, calls, flashlight. If I leave my stand for a followup or to make a move on game outside my shooting zone, I strap on the fanny pack. I always have a knife on my person and usually a round or two-everything else is in the fanny pack.
Having all that stuff hung on a vest reminds me far too much of military operations which I'd just as soon not recall. If you're comfortable with the "LBE" vest and hunt on the move, this idea might be just what is needed.
5 rounds of extra ammo
You must be the one shot, one kill type.

Binoculars? hot/cold gear? snack? drink?

I try to do one shot, one kill.

The 5 rounds of "extra" ammo is when I'm hunting with my 1885 in .30-06. If I'm packing my .270 Win, or .358 Win, it's 5+1 in the gun, and usually nothing else.

Binoculars depend on the terrain I'm hunting that day. Some areas I hunt, you can see for 1,200 yards or more, other areas a long shot would be 50 yards.

As for cold weather gear, I dress in enough layers to keep me warm, then shed a layer and go hunt. As I'm hiking around I'll shed layers as I warm up to prevent overheating and stuff them in my vest. If the weathers turns nasty, I can layer up again, or head back to camp and sit around the fire till it passes.

I've done the backpack full of crap before, and it's not for me. Packing all that stuff around isn't fun for me, and that's why I'm out there, to have fun. I love fillin my tags, but, if I can get out in the hills for a few days, chase some deer/elk/antelope around, and at least get an opportunity to miss............I count it as a good hunt.
Between generally sheparding around my sisters and being an Eagle Scout, I generally carry a ruck with assorted sundries.

First aid kit
Matches/dryer lint
Couple of nalgenes
A few grocery sacks
Field dressing kit
Flagging tape
Space blanket
Signal mirror

On my person, I generally have lip balm, a Multi-Tool, ammo pouch, lighter, watch, Swiss Army Knife and a whistle.

It all fits nicely in an old book bags that started life as a very pleasant forest green with my sister's monogram on it and is now has a more effective pattern of stained dirt than anything in Multi-Cam.:)

The vest looks interesting; but I'm too set in my ways as is.

And besides, I wear MOLLE crap at work. Hunting ain't supposed to be like work.