Modern day McCarthyism


"The tragedy of our day is the climate of fear in which we live, and fear breeds repression. Too often sinister threats to the Bill of Rights, to freedom of the mind, are concealed under the patriotic cloak"
-Adlai Stevenson, August 27, 1952

Man this just seems so eerily familiar...

Just thought I would share.

If you are so inclined to wonder wear this quote came from, it came form a speech he gave, here is the full text.
so the Right wing Trotskyites dont bother you any?
right left show me an administative difference that doesnt end with a bigger authoritarian centralized government.
Well, there's bigger and there's biggest but that doesn't mean I disagree with everything our liberal president does either.:)
Those who do not remember history....

Or never bother to learn.....

Seems like we go through something like this every generation or two. When enough time has passed that those who seek power for it's own sake believe that the masses can be duped yet again, they try. And, sadly, often they succeed.

They are smart enough not to try to get everything all at once, that would breed open rebellion. Instead they take a bite, and let time pass, until we forget, and come to accept the current restrictions (on whatever) as normal, the way things are, the way things ought to be, etc. and then they go for another bite. The individuals change, their stated public political philisophies change, but the underlying goals do not. What they want is power. The legal right to control the lives of everyone else, because they know what is best for us, and we do not. Call them Leftists, Rightists, Liberals, conservatives, Nazis, communists, socialists, nobles, whatever label you want, or that they claim. What they are is Elitists, all with the determined belief that they know better than we, and therefore they must be right. It doesn't matter if they get this belief from the schools they attend, or the politics they embrace, the money they make, or their family bloodlines, they have it, and they work toward making it reality every chance they get.

Our Founding Fathers were some truly unique and radical individuals, considering the general state of human society at the time of our Revolution. And while their definition of the "People" didnot include everyone we include today, they weren't wrong. They envisioned and built a system that not only works, but had built in checks against abuse. And as long as the people remain vigilant and actively participate, it works. But today, not enough people remember that we are the ones with the authority to write the rules. Instead too many just want to play the game, and let the Elitists write the rules. As long as we have our Bread and Circuses, who cares?
Umm, not to be a wet blanket or anything, but I've been hearing this and other similar complaints for a few years.

I still get up in the morning, travel freely, earn a living, and enjoy a private life that is every bit as free as it was a few years ago. I own as many guns as I want, even some with higher magazine capacity than I was allowed to buy a few years ago. To tell the truth, if I believed everything I see on the internet, I'd be expecting someone to stop me from voting soon, or maybe confiscate my typewriter, but that hasn't happened.

(I know, I'll type something anti-Bush and see what happens. Here goes... "Bush Sucks.")

-----Still waiting----

I am no longer a young man. I have travelled on every continent, and lived on three. I have the good fortune of living in the land of liberty, the USA. (It helps that I live in a very free state, New Mexico, but I'd take any of the fifty over most of the places I've lived and travelled in).

There is more (a lot more) right about America than wrong. We'll work together on the wrong stuff as long as we remember what we're getting right, which is quite a lot at the moment.

Let the civil discourse begin. :)
The most threatening part of the Patriot Act isn't the way it's being used now, but the way it might be used by leaders not yet born.

Meanwhile, contemporary assaults from the left - speech codes, hate crimes, and the absolute moral authority of journalists - go unchecked.

As a footnote, McCarthy found everything he said existed - the widespread infiltration of the highest levels of American government by spies for the Soviet Union.
I still get up in the morning, travel freely, earn a living, and enjoy a private life that is every bit as free as it was a few years ago.

I"m sure many of us do the same however to deny that change in our freedoms have taken place is a mistake because in doing so we fail to monitor or fight for our freedom and make no mistake it will be and is a continuing battle forever.

I have traveled in third world countries and know what it can be, I was raised in the 40's and have seen first hand the changes in our country but especially in my opinion the last 20 years there has been huge changes in the direction of our country and not for the better, so while I'm doing ok I will not simply say the world is peachy and avoid the truth.
One in every 350 Americans is on the federal watch list.

But by all means, continue to enjoy this great land. Thirty thousand people are employed just to listen to phone calls, send emails, and conduct all sorts of spiffy tuff like that. This is 30,000 employees just for domestic spying.

Go to the FBI's own site to see what gets you on the list. Read the language of the Homegrown Terrorist Act that is poised to pass.

Own a gun? Like the constitution? Love your God? Disagree with your government about...well, anything? Oh yeah, and quoting the "founding fathers" is also a no-no.

I bet you're on the naughty list, sorry.

If you're not concerned about the patriot act, then you simply haven't read it. And even though, right now, we enjoy a great deal of freedom, I believe the citizenry has every right for concern about the direction our massive and spend crazy government, obsessed with preventing terrorism, scared of its own shadow, and now quite scared of its own people, it going.

The price of freedom is enternal vigilance. If you enjoy your freedom, you better keep an eye on any threat to that. I bet you're concerned about Islamofascists. Good. Also be concerned about a government big enough to grant such freedoms also being big enough to take them away.
One in every 350 Americans is on the federal watch list.

The federal terrorism watch list has about 755,000 names which is bloated to the point of ridiculousness; but not all of those names are Americans. Since the purpose of the list is to "check people entering the country through land border crossings, airports and sea ports" there are an awful lot of foreigners on the list. Now I would still agree that 755,000 is a ridiculous number; but I'm betting you could theoretically find 755,000 people out of 6 billion worldwide who wish us ill to the extent you would want to watch them.

Thirty thousand people are employed just to listen to phone calls, send emails, and conduct all sorts of spiffy tuff like that. This is 30,000 employees just for domestic spying.

According to this article that would mean that every single NSA employee does nothing but domestic spying. NSA is a big agency and I'm pretty sure that the warrantless surveillance program is a small part of it, if only for security reasons.

I believe the citizenry has every right for concern about the direction our massive and spend crazy government, obsessed with preventing terrorism, scared of its own shadow, and now quite scared of its own people, it going.

You know, I believe the same thing; but when people blow things out of proportion or use excessive hyperbole to make a point, it hurts more than it helps. People find out that you exagerrated and they stop listening to what you have to say. Even worse you may "poison the well" for other people who don't exaggerate but get lumped into the same category because they are saying something similar.

Doesn't matter whether the cause is RKBA or opposing warrantless surveillance, overstating your position to make a dramatic point will cause problems when someone else points out the error.
I'm confused! I live 35 miles from the border and in January, I will need a Passport to leave and return to the USA. Yet the Mexican nationals only need a work permit or other forms of ID to come here! I use to go down there to purchase medicines and stuff once in a while. Now I will never go back. Pass port price about doubled and That would be the only reason I would use one. I was in the military and had had my fill of foreign travel.
If you're not concerned about the patriot act, then you simply haven't read it. And even though, right now, we enjoy a great deal of freedom, I believe the citizenry has every right for concern about the direction our massive and spend crazy government, obsessed with preventing terrorism, scared of its own shadow, and now quite scared of its own people, it going.
If you really think some government drone is watching your emails, surfing and phone calls you are paranoid. The fact is it's impossible to do business the old fashioned way with modern technology in existence. How do you get a court order for a phone tap when a cell phone line can come and go on a whim?

I haven't seen any evidence that the government is afraid of it's own shadow or people either, maybe you read too many blogs but if you think we should go back to pre 9/11 complacency you aren't being prudent or realistic.
quote...."How do you get a court order for a phone tap when a cell phone line can come and go on a whim?"...

....what makes you believe they even bother with a court order?...and the gov't is way more paranoid of you than you are of it....