Modern Day Gatling Guns

Panzer D6

I saw an interesting homemade contraption in a gun shop the other day. It was a large spool type machine that had 5 or 6 SKS rifles mounted around the pivot point, and geared to rotate like a gatling gun and actuate the trigger as each rifle passed "top dead center" This made me curious about the classification of an "automatic" weapon. What class does a true gatling gun fall under? How about this clever "SKS spinning machine"?
Isn't the general classification for full auto "able to fire more than one round per single pull of the trigger"? Well a gatling gun doesn't have a true trigger does it? And, if a true Gatling gun is legal to own as a non-full auto, I guess as soon as you add an electric motor, it becomes a machine gun, like converting a semi-auto to automatic, right?
I guess it would be similar to the crank style trigger actuators you can attach to most semi-auto weapons, but then again, it isn't. It has me stumped.

Hey, if we could have a crank gun, what caliber would you like to have it in? It would be cheap fun to have a .22 gatling that spun so fast it sounded like ripping canvas!
7.62x39? .30 Carbine? How about a crank gun that fired 3 or 4 rounds of .22 then a .30-06!
When I was in the USMC, I had the opportunity to fire a GAU-2B from a UH1N. Talk about THE modern incarnation of the Gatling Gun.

This thing has no firing pin(s). The rounds are electrically struck. Awesome piece of hardware. A real blast to shoot, pure 7.62 mm destruction!

If shooting arouses you, you better be sitting down when you shoot this thing. ALL the blood will be drained from your brain, if ya know what I mean and I think ya do! :)

This is what "Jesse the Gov." carried in Predator


Check me out at:

[This message has been edited by Dan (edited February 20, 1999).]
This subjuct has come up ib the full auto forum. Yes a HAND crank gattling gun to the best of my knowlege is legal, but put an electric motor on it and you have made a machine gun, like the GE mini gun I have see this fired at Knob Creek it is very cool.

Here's a thought: how about building a mitrailleuse, similar to the french designs of 1870s? Instead of metal cylinder with 50 openings, just use 50 or 100 round plastic boxes of .22 (the kind that Mini-Mags are sold in). While the plastic cannot be structural, the whole box can be used as a charger. Because the .22s come out rim first, basically drop all 50 or 100 into the indentations in the bolt, then slam the bolt home. Fire as a burst or salvo with a crank.