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I ain't one here but...

If you look at their join date many are either charter members or been here since Christ was but a corporal... I think the "being noticed" part is 100% based on their knowledge, tact, and quality participation in discussion...
Length of time on TFL has only as much to do with "being noticed," as it has being able to identify:
hogdogs said:
I think the "being noticed" part is 100% based on their knowledge, tact, and quality participation in discussion...

Obviously, a short time and few posts, a long time and few posts, or a short time and many posts doesn't give much to base a judgment upon. There has to be a balance.

When you post, are you knowledgeable about what you are discussing? Do you try to write with proper English and good spelling? If someone attacks you, do you shrug it off and continue as if the other person(s) wrote nothing? Do you attack the others argument without attacking the person?

Do you post in the proper forum? Do you refrain from posting in threads that are simply stirring the pot?... or in the wrong forum? Do you attempt to raise the bar at TFL, instead of wrestling in the mud?

Those are the things I look at. I can't say what the other moderators look for.

Wow Tact, no wonder they did not want you or me!:D

To amp on hogdogs, some of these folks are in this industry and REAL GOOD at their craft!

Good Luck & Be Safe
Do you attempt to raise the bar at TFL, instead of wrestling in the mud?

No wonder I'm in the low member status, I look just horrible in a thong all covered with mud...remember John Candy in Stripes :)

WildofftoObamasaleday10Alaska ™
I would rather imagine a 360 pound boarhog with 3 inch tusks and a bad attitude in a thong than some overweight grumpy alaskan gun dealer guy in a thong...