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Moderators please

model 25

New member
I am kinda new here and I have a few questions and points I would like to discuss if that's OK

Seems lots of topics get locked because some people get ugly in their post. Why shut the thread down, why not delete the bad poster? It seems that you are punishing everyone for one bad apple, kinda like gun owners huh?

It seems odd to me that the majority of the whole site is about guns and the carry of and tactics and what bad guys do all of which could be construed as getting ready for violence. However the political speech is often locked for the hint of bad words or it might offend someone.

Now I don't try to offend people but if telling the truth gets them riled up then I feel they better not get involved in adult conversation.

I would like a public post as to how you moderators feel about this please:)

MMMM I think I was there when he wrote that:D

I hope raising the bar still brings interesting thoughts out otherwise I don't think people will even care to opine if the bar is too high:) Maybe that is for the better huh, no sense letting a bunch of loose opinions run around:D :D :eek:

There's a multitude of boards out there with different moderating styles. People who find the bar set too high on this board are neither obliged to participate, nor do they have a shortage of other boards from which to choose.

The post by TBM referenced above pretty much sums up our attitudes on the subject.
... I don't try to offend people but if telling the truth gets them riled up then I feel they better not get involved in adult conversation.

If everyone that posts here could (would) observe some long standing rules of civil discourse, that would be fine. They don't. I'd bet that your idea of an adult conversation is different from mine, Marko's and Trip20's.

So, there you have it. The standard of acceptable conduct is very high here. It will stay that way.
Seems lots of topics get locked because some people get ugly in their post. Why shut the thread down, why not delete the bad poster? It seems that you are punishing everyone for one bad apple, kinda like gun owners huh?
Model 25,
Something to keep in mind right now.
The site had a rather high profile event associated with it recently.
Trouble makers and gawkers are bound to drop in.
Some wheat right now is bound to be caught up in the seperating of the wheat from the chaff.
Give it a month or 2 to settle, (actually, closer to 3 because Chritsmas vacation for scholl kids usually brings in some,,err,,,interesting posts)and you'll see thread lock return to normal levels. (very, very, very low in relation to other boards)
I think the moderators do a fine job, since they are not full time moderators it's impossible to catch everything, that is why there is the "report bad post" function.

I've seen much worse forum wise than here. Try the forums at www.tippmann.com, they have a forum for paintball players which is seriously out of control and messy.

I think most of us are adults who can handle other people's opinions rather well. Some do not but that's for another story. We're here to discuss the responsible nature and informative nature of firearms, any one of us would be more than happy to teach, just not to someone who comes in here talking about "bustin gats","full clips", and talk about things like the latest "which shotgun round will go through level III body armor". Things like that send flags as they should to any responsible gun owner.

Good luck and happy posting.
Maybe I'm one of the odd ones out, but I actually wish the mods would start closing up the pro/anti-politician and pro/anti-war threads alot quicker. If only for a few months to sort of clear it up.

Alot of decisivness out there in the world, its upsetting to see the fangs come out so often on this board and people keep going for the throats.

Anyways, all in all, when comparing this website to another, very popular, one I tend to go to, I am VERY glad how this one is run. The other one seems to be overrun with adults-as-children and filled with rampant homophobia and sexism.

This one? None what so over. Hunting through the archvies the other day, I found a post which was more than likely a troll by someone who came out of the closet and made several over the top statements; after 20 odd posts, not one single flame. It really summed up how well this place has been run.
I personally don't find the rules here to be all that hard to follow. I've had some pretty interesting discussions but I've never had a post deleted. The few times I posted on a thread that got closed, the thread took a different turn well after my post. As long as you don't curse all the time and refrain from unwarranted personal attacks, you shouldn't have any problems.