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Moderator Abuse of Position

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I seem to have offended a moderator who is now "warning" me based upon fictitious accusations. I have read and complied with all the rules posted here yet seem to be the subject of some personal vendetta of which I have no clue why he would do so.

What steps should be taken in order to end this situation and maintain good standing other than to comply with the board rules?
PM the person you're having a conflict with and have an adult conversation. At times we all disagree with a moderator, but overall things are pretty good here. You've only been here 2 days. Compared to some other forums this is more closely moderated than some. Much less than others. You'll just have to learn how to play by the rules.
Suthern1 said:
. . . . What steps should be taken in order to end this situation and maintain good standing other than to comply with the board rules?
As a general proposition, not complying with board rules is a surefire way to lose one's good standing.
IMO,this forum has an excellent Staff.
I have been here several years...made over 5000 posts,and out of all of those,only one resulted in a problem with a Moderator.

I don't care to rehash the case. I was suspended . I still cannot connect what I was accused of to anything I did. Its baffling. I can understand the comment on the response,too. The OP used the word "Vendetta" . I'd describe it a bit differently...but I recognize the experience. I'll let it go at that.

The case was discussed by Staff,the suspension was reversed. I'm satisfied.Its water under the bridge.

Like being on the street,"The Cockroach who argues with the Chicken is always wrong"

Defer to the Moderator,remain respectful . Comply.Create no regrets.And genuinely LISTEN. Its very likely there IS something to learn and something to change.

If you are patient,and if you have a valid issue, PM it to Staff. Posting soiled laundry is not the best plan.As I said,Staff is pretty darn good.
They may tell you where you went wrong,whether you like it or not.

But they are OK by me.

I did review some of your posts,Suthern. At least from what I saw...You might want to just sit back and breathe awhile.
Watch the season change.Listen to the squirrels.

Folks who just want to argue for the sake of arguing...might realize they are taking up valuable time. Stressing.It can be annoying.Know when to hold them,when to fold them.
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What steps should be taken in order to end this situation and maintain good standing other than to comply with the board rules?
The moderators here are easy to get along with if you comply with the rules. Yeah, i've been dinged a couple times in the past but not lately.

You can end this situation by complying with the board rules.
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I seem to have this issue too.....ultimately, it is a decent board.

Whether I can find it in the rules or not, I try to comply with what the moderator is asking.

Like somebody else said, pm'ing the moderator in question has been helpful. Ultimately, whether I'm right or wrong, I continue to try to do as told. We need to remember that this is not a public place to sound off, but a privately owned forum for the purpose of making ad revenue and furthering firearms discussion.

In all fairness, mods likely are either unpaid or under paid for their efforts, so giving them a break doesn't hurt.

Also, you really want to stay out of the law and civil rights forum...it is probably the most heavily moderated!

Hopefully this post is helpful and doesn't get me the final boot out the door.
Suthern1 said:
What steps should be taken in order to end this situation and maintain good standing other than to comply with the board rules?
A really good place to start is not to complain about staff actions in the open forum. If you have a question about why you received a warning, asking it by way of a polite private message to the moderator in question will get you a lot farther than airing it in public.

How to maintain good standing at TFL? Just acting like an intelligent, helpful, civil adult will take you a very long way.

Nathan said:
[T]his is ... a privately owned forum for the purpose of making ad revenue and furthering firearms discussion
Just for the record, no one (least of all the moderators :D) makes any money from this forum. Look around, and you'll notice there is no advertising of any kind. It's funded by the owner, Rich Lucibella, for the sole purpose of promoting responsible firearms ownership.
Isn’t clear if you actually messaged the moderator, but that would be my first step. Moderators are people just like everyone else, so ask him to clarify what caused the warning... and see if it was a misunderstanding. Need to remember, you are posting on the internet. I posted in a classified thread about a wooden gun case. Very interested, until I read the part that shipping was going to be sticking a label on the wood and that being it. Edited my post to reflect that. Received a warning, and a reply from a moderator that made me seem he thought I was crapping on the thread. Sent him a message, told him what occurred, and all was good.

On another forum, I openly disagreed with a moderator because of a difference of opinion on MidwayUSA. He bought something cheap, got the cheap shipping, and was complaining that they wouldn’t refund his card with the shipment not being listed as missing. Said he promised that he would send it back.

I had a similar situation, where a $300+ order went missing. Called them up, they put a trace on it, and when it didn’t come back as traceable, they reshipped my order.

Stated that, and mentioned that when my order was reshipped, it was likely an insurance claim made on it. Not good enough for that moderator, and I pointed out that he should have got the slightly more expensive shipping (not the economy that goes private, then delivered by USPS). Mentioned a mistake I did with CTD, and that they sent the right parts... telling me to keep the wrong ones (rare situation, but more costly to get them back). Got banned for spamming... even though no post I made was pointless. Only thing is that it didn’t agree with his view. Won’t say the forum, as I don’t look to start stuff over the internet... but I owned two firearms covered there. Sold one, and the other can be discussed on a better suited forum for the sport it is used for.

Went back and forth (didn’t realize he was a moderator, but absolutely a person who could not consider that there is a procedure for returns, so the company doesn’t actively go into the hole), and got banned from there. Actually the only forum I was ever banned from. While there are moderators on other forums I’m still a member of that are on that guy’s level (moderator that banned me), the moderators here are far from that. And I quickly looked at your posts, which there was only 10, and didn’t see anything striking me as vengeful or a moderator having a personal problem with you. Just a viewpoint from the outside...
I belong to many forums and on most I tend to make my point with words like butt head or other times the more coarse term but I deliberately miss spell a word.

I was caution twice in one day that I was violating the forum posting policy

The caution was polite
I read the policy
I sent a PM apologising

he sent back a kind reponse

In my brief 6 weeks as a member I ave done a lot of just reading
My sense is withing the moderated threads and censoring that most of the moderators are good guys and this is a great forum

Find a way to make peace with the moderator or move on ...there are hundreds of other forums

I might also note the Federal Government is the only entity that the Constitution prohibits from restraining free speech...

Forums, employers and all other entities you enjoin with can have rules of conduct to comply with or be denied access or membership...

If you do not agree with the rules you are NOT compelled to be a member or employee...you may freely move on
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