model 94 loading problem


New member
I have an older Winchester model 94 30-30, when I try to load the first round the shell comes about half way out of the tube crooked and gets caught, I have to stick my finger through the loading gate and push the shell over to get it to come out of the tube all the way, once the first shell is loaded I can work the action and go through the rest of the shells without a problem, it only gets caught on the first shell being loaded, I have removed the spring and plug and cleaned everything, I thought maybe the spring was getting in a bind or something but that didn't fix the issue,,any ideas ?
If I recall, the magazine has a 6 round capacity. What happens if you only load 5 rounds into the magazine? Does the first one still get caught?
Has the gun always done that or is it new/new to you?

If it worked OK before, what have you done that could cause the problem?

it does it with six or just one round, its weird cause it only does it on the first round being chambered, after the first one the rest load just fine, screws all seem to be good and tight, not noticing any dents or other damage. the gun was acquired over the summer, handed down to my kids from a family member. the gun has basically been sitting in a gun cabinet for years. thanks for the responses though, im gonna look it all over again later today
yes cycling, the rounds load into tube fine but when I cycle the action the first round always comes out of the tube about half way and to the right getting stuck.
When you load the fresh rounds into the mag tube, what is the position of the lever or the bolt? Is the action fully closed or partly open?

When you say right side, do you mean when looking from the butt end towards the barrel? If so, I wonder if the cartridge is hitting the loading gate. Make sure its screw is tight. It is directly behind it on the receiver, and the top one, over the carrier screw. Also, you can put a bevel on the back side of the gate, if this does not help. They call the loading gate a spring cover on the exploded view from the link above.
looking from butt to barrel , and when loading action is fully closed. ive checked all the screws and all were tight. it does seem as if it may be catching on the loading gate some how, when it comes out of the tube, it cocks to the right and is about halfway out of the tube but stops right in front of the loading gate, have to use my finger to push the loading gate in which pushes the round over and it then fully comes out of the tube and can be chambered. I think I am going to take it to a gun smith and let him take a look, I would rather let someone with the right tools get in there if something needs tuning or filed down or what ever...thanks to all for the help though:)