Model 70 .30-06 vs. Mini-14


New member
Just sold an old Mini-14. Got a real good price for it. I liked the rifle, and was considering a new stainless Ranch Rifle with composite stock. Someone then offers me an immaculate Winchester Model 70 in 30-06 for a little less money. My questions: The old Mini was good for maybe 2-3 MOA. Are the new stainless Ranch models any better/worse/same? What is the maximum range that you can really expect to use the Mini w/scope?
I do not know the exact model designation (it has a jeweled bolt, if that helps)of the Model 70, or barrel length, but what is the max effective range of these rifles. What should I expect for MOA? If I'm shooting at 300 yards or less, is there much difference in typical accuracy between these two rifles? I already own an AR15, which can be used for self defense/small game...What would be the max range for larger game such as deer when using the 70 / 30-06?
Sorry for all the question...just trying to get some opinions, as I'd like to make an educated decision!!! Thanks,
I would be utterly stunned if you did not find the M-70 gives groups about half what that mini-14 gives. Maybe better-- depends on the specimen and how it's bedded.

Remember also that equal accuracy with '06 is coming out ahead. If you're not hunting beyond 300 yards, you've got all you'll ever need in a M-70 .30-06; even if it throws 2 MOA groups, that's only 6" at 300 yards. Sighted for 3" high at 100 yards, you'll be dead-on at 220 yds, and 7.5" low at 300 yards, with your average 165g load. At this range, you can reliably kill large elk, and any deer that ever lived. Moose are a little large for it at this range, but I wouldn't feel at all daunted with a good 180 g. load.

Range is relative, but the .30-06 is about as good as they come.

Will you, too, be one who stands in the gap?

Wasn't that Carlos's favorite rifle - a Model 70 in .30-06? I would go for it - who am I to question Long Trang?

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
Run, do not walk, to the guy who offered you the Model 70. The Winchester is a real rifle, the Mini-14 unfortunately is just a plaything. slabsides

For every action, there is an equal and opposite criticism.
Having owned a Mini14 Ranch, I'd pick almost any other autoloader over it, esp. for hunting. Mini's two strong sides (simple to use and takes hi-cap mags) are negated by fragility, poor accuracy and the expense of those hi-caps (the kind that function).
30-06 Model 70 ought to handle better, too.
Thanks for the above info. I realize this is apples and oranges. It's that I had the Mini as a second defensive/varmint rifle after the AR15. Now that it's gone, I was trying to fill it's role.
I can keep most of my AR15 shots on paper at up to 300 yards with open sights. I was hoping that for shots over that range, the Model 70 would be good if not ideal, although I do realize that it's better to be expert with one rifle as opposed to be OK with two. Another thought is that I still have about 10 good functioning magazines for the Mini, and the fact that as a mostly self defense weapon, the Mini's increased capacity over the Model 70 "feel" better.

Finally...the Model 70 is immaculate. I am told it was manufactured between 1978, and 1982. I havent fired it yet, but the seller(relative) who has it says it's a "tack driver" (don't know the exact model designation or barrel length). Any thoughts as to whether it is worth $400.00 US. Other friends have tried to steer me towards a "new" Remington 700 series model. Again, any thoughts/opinions???
Oh, Andy, pal---

the others have said it better--this is not apples and oranges--it is a bushel of mangoes to a handful of prunes.

Magazines: It is easier to find working magazines for the AR-15 than for the Mini 14. Trade your Mini magazines and come out ahead! Sell them and purchase .30-06 loading components, or loaded ammo.

Dollar value: On the open market, it is nearly even money, because the little rotomatic rifle is desirable. In terms of practical worth, the M-70 is worth slightly more, given that you have an AR15.

Practicality: You say you picture the Mini as a secondary to the AR15. Andy: How many .223s can you shoot at once? Any rifleman worthy of the name needs a real, major caliber rifle that will do decent work at ranges beyond what is truly sporting. (Sorry, friends, not everything in life is sporting.) But, on the other hand, as pointed out by others above, the '06 IS a sporting round for medium to BIG game. A rifleman has an '06 or .270 or 7 mm or 8 mm Mauser or .303 Brit or .25-06 or .308, or the like, and KNOWS HOW TO USE IT.

Again, GET THE Model 70! You'll never regret it.


---The Second Amendment ensures the rest of the Bill of Rights---
Get the Model 70 in 30-06. I had a Mini-14 Ranch and it was fine except about 4moa at best and after much work the magazines usually functioned. I only own serveral rifle (by choice) and the last one to go if I had to get rid of any would be the Rem 700 in 30-06. After having been out to Col Coopers last rifle class I feel almost No need for a semi-auto in a varmint round
Thanks again for the info!!!
To asnwer Rocky Roads' question..."How many 223s can you shoot at once?"...My wife and daughter also like to shoot. And, as I prefer the AR for it's accuracy over the Mini, They would then use the Mini-14.

I think I'm gonna have to sell some other "stuff" to raise some cash and get the 06 before it's gone, and then get the K-Mini so everyone has something they like to shoot.

Next question....Is it just me, or does anyone else find that the Mini has less muzzle rise than the AR15? I find it minor, but the sights seem to stay on target better with Ruger.
Then again, maybe it's that anoying "boinnnng" you get from the spring buffer being next to the ear causing a little "flinch" :)
Andygold: The last Model 70 I had was in .257 Roberts; I had no trouble keeping it inside one inch.

I've never had trouble getting any of several .30-'06s shooting inside one inch.

AR 15s are fun. Mini 14s are fun. I'd jump all over the Model 70, given you already have the Ar. Add a Mini, later. Run, do not walk to the guy with the 70.