Model 625 Questions

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I have read so many good things about the 625 in this and other forums that I've just about decided to buy one. I also have a Model 25/1955. With it, I can shoot .45 ACP with or without moonclips as well as .45 Autorim. Does this hold true for the 625 also?

The 625 is basically an updated version of your 25. I have a 1955 target and a 3" and 5" 625. They all shoot great, I tend to shoot my 5" 625 the most to keep my 1955 target clean.

There are two 625's/25's. One is in .45 Colt, the other is .45 ACP/AR, the one you have and are considering.

The scoop on the 625-2 (.45 ACP/AR) when it was introduced about a decade ago was that it was held to tighter specs than the older, blued guns. John Taffin wrote an article for either Guns or Am. Handgunner in which he said accuracy suffered with ACP ammo without the clips in his sample. I have since read on the net that people have had good luck "going clipless" with ACP ammo.

I personally can't say, shooting only .45 ACP with the full moon clips or the .45 AR ammo which I prefer (handloading only proposition as all factory .45AR ammo was discontinued, the last being Remington's 230 LRN load in about 1993).

I'm very impressed with my 625-2 .45 ACP/AR. Very accurate and versatile, handling heavy and light loads equally well. I also own a 625 .45 Colt Mtn. Gun which I greatly like.

I don't think you can go wrong with either.
If rapid reloading is a considerstion, the 625 .45ACP cannot be beat for revolvers. With fullmoon clips reloading is far faster than other calibers using speed loaders.
If rapid reloading is a considerstion, the 625 .45ACP cannot be beat for revolvers. With fullmoon clips reloading is far faster than other calibers using speed loaders.
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