model 61


:cool:I have a model 61 that in inherited from my dad.I have shot the gun many times.I went to use the riflr recently and the slide did not want to cycle.I was finally able to push in the release button with a great deal of pressure and as long as I kept the release pushed in it would cycle properly but if I release the button it will lock up again.Alternately if I dry fire the gun each time it will cycle properly.Any ideas what is causing the rifle to lock like this
What you are describing sounds normal. The slide release locks the slide when the rifle is cocked, when the rifle is uncocked the slide release moves out of the way and allows the gun to be cycled. The slide release is attached to the trigger mechanism and has very little clearance to it. When the rifle is cocked and you push the slide release, you are probably dragging the sharp edge of the slide release against the bolt, making it feel like it doesn't want to move.

Now if the slide release has to be pushed in order to open and cycle the action even when uncocked, I would say there was something stuck in the action or you have some varnished oil hanging things up inside.