Model 41


New member
I would like to buy a 5.5" Model 41 target pistol in excellent condition, but not sure what to look for. Would like to know what the main things on my checklist should be, and any other advice anyone might have. Are older ones better than brand new? Many thanks. L
Used is good. Depending on how used the gun is will determine price. I have bought a couple in the $300-$335 range that run 90% no box. To eek out the best accuracy I suggest a Clark barrel, much better than factory. Mine is an LSI era pistol and it made 4 or 5 trips back to the factory before they got it all right. Earlier guns with the visible cocking indicator did not seem to require that much work. Depends on what you want the gun for, but 2 other guns that you might want to look at are the SIG/Hammerli Trailside for under $400 NIB or the new Walther KP200(?) made using a Russain Baikal frame and a Walther barrel, fitted by Walther as well.
Jeff -- Appreciate the information. Maybe I can do OK for about $500. A gun that's ready to shoot. I did read about the other guns but I guess I'm stuck on the 41...right now, anyway. Thanks again. L
I've never heard of anyone being disappointed with a model 41. The fact is they will out shoot most gun owners. You might keep and eye on Gun List for a used example. They can be found on the net at

Don't expcet to find one cheap....but this is a case of getting what you pay for.
I bought one abot 18 months ago new in the box for $590.
This was just after the S&W sellout, and the dealer was discounting them to get rid of them.
There are a lot of bullseye shooters in my club that own model 41's for many years. The 7" barrel is actually lighter than the 5.5" model, and some feel it has better balance.

The feeling at my club is buy a model 41 or buy a Hammerli 208s which has been discontinued and costs 4X as much.
HEY LUGWIG:GUNNUTS HERE,I bought a nib 41 about 2 years ago for $540.00 7" barrel,it was built so tight it took 500 rounds to get it to work-NO FTF!super shooter no problems after 500 rounds,my cousin shot mine and had to have one,in the 4 months that I owned mine and he got his,same dealer thet went up to $575.00,I now see them for $700.00 and up,his shot the same way,it took 400 to 500 rounds to brake in,good luck
About a year ago i was talking to my wifes grandfather about how i wanted to get her a 22 or something to teach her how to shoot, well to make a long story short he pulls out a model 41 7" from his safe and says here i explained how i could take it because of it's value and he told me how it's been sitting in the safe for about 15 years and only had about 50 rounds put through it ever and said "she can learn on it and pass it on as i am".

i graciously said thank you and have loved shooting it ever since
oh yeah my wife love to shoot it too

if there is a will or a way get a 41
Looks like a 41 is going to cost me more than I thought, but it sounds like the 41 is even better than I I'm still going to get one. I'll use the info I got from you guys to decide which barrel, and other details. I very much appreciate all the help. L