Model 1853 Enfield questions.


Hi Forum! new poster here so take it easy on me! :) My bro in law bought this rifle off a private seller for the purpose of display over his mantel in the time period house he lives in. I am doing a little internet research on it and so far this is what ive come up with. I appreciate you experts in the field helping me fill in any blanks or ideas about this gun...Ive enclosed 3 pics, hopefully you can see them ok...Its lock plate is stamped :1862 Enfield, stock cartouches along with barrel markings from everything ive read show it to be a Enfield made for the British Army, never imported to usa,. Also that at some point may have made its way over to India with the British forces before eventually making its way to America. The parts all seem to be original from what the markings indicate, someone at some time polished the barrel but other then that looks good...You folks have any thing you can tell me about it! Thankyou very much for your time and your knowledge!
Post an overall photo of the entire piece. We need barrel length, # of barrel bands, type of barrel bands, etc.

BTW, Enfields were sent with British Army units to Canada too.